Thryan Rosserk

Thryan Rosserk

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He now has a limp thanks to Ashley Benatar's arrow that may persist even after his leg has healed if he's unlucky.

Facial Features

He has a clean scar running from the top of where his left ear meets his face to halfway down his cheek.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears light, simple clothing. Likely the cheapest he could get ahold of.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Orphaned at birth, he was left to fend for himself for most of his early years, learning to steal and lie from other kids like himself. After a few run-ins and warnings from the thieve's guild of Tentaught, which he had failed to join, he took his work outside the city usually taking enough for him to get a bed and meal for the night.   He discovered he had a talent for magic when he stole some pages from a spellbook, by accident (he was hoping it was a ledger he could get information from), when he robbed a travelling merchant. He has since been using what he learnt to continue his crimes with as little risk to himself as possible, now that he can stay out of the way.   That is, until the party caught him and strong armed him into sticking with them on their slaad hunt.    After a brush with the Thieve's Guild during the search for Alecto Ocreata, the party arranged for Thryan to stay protected by Luran Tirdath at The Florentine in return for work within Luran's Network.


He can barely read simple common but is fluent in thieve's cant and unusually adept at basic magic. He speaks elvish but only at a very simple level, mostly only insults, as well as some phrases in orc that he's picked up from travellers that he's observed.

Failures & Embarrassments

His scar is from a time he was caught after eavesdropping on a thieve's guild member about a job. He was caught as he tried to take the job from under them and they threatened to cut his ears off if he was ever seen working in the city again.

Morality & Philosophy

He struggles to understand that theft is wrong, seeing it more as genuine hard work that he has earned the right to do and that if someone doesn't notice him that it's on them.

The party's sort of kidnapped temporarily resident rogue.

View Character Profile
Current Location
Date of Birth
5th Time of Remembrance 3226
Year of Birth
3226 -e5 19 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Orphaned at birth
Current Residence
Deep green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light olive
Aligned Organization


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