Session 042: Into Sigil Report

General Summary

Upon entering the tribunal within the bastion, Jowan Cormac of the 7th Seal  solemnly informs the party that the tiefling, Dandrex, chose not to heed the call, opting instead for the depths of hell over returning to the realm. Moreover, Jowan reveals that while they were previously aware of the existence of a town within the pestilence, its name remained elusive until now. With the revelation of Vonsea's presence, access to the Pestilence is promptly restricted until further notice. Nevertheless, Jowan bestows upon the party their second Rank in the Seal.   With one month allocated for training and enhancing magical items, Tama grows anxious over the absence of Penn. Journeying to Mystwall, he discovers Penn's mysterious disappearance. Zoi Hawthorne, awakening just a week prior, recounts finding Penn's room in disarray. Determined, Tama sets out to track Penn's whereabouts, eventually tracing him to the forbidding mountain range of Arborhold Spine.   Quinn dedicates himself to training under Brother Ceric guidance, though recognizing Ceric's proficiency lies outside the realm of bardic arts, he enlists the expertise of Serah Songbreeze to propel Quinn to his next level. During a moment of candor, Quinn shares his dissatisfaction with Jowan's handling of the Dandrex situation with Ceric. However, Ceric, gesturing towards Quinn's Seal, silently signals caution, indicating they are under surveillance.   Leading Quinn to the dungeon, Ceric reveals the aftermath of Dandrex's ordeal—beaten and shattered. Despite a successful resurrection, the truth about Vonsea must remain concealed.   In a solemn ceremony attended by all members of the Seventh Seal, the party is formally granted their Second Rank, marking a significant milestone. Having attained their new rank in the seals, the party is led to a mysterious door within the bastion. Activating their seals, the door reveals itself to be a portal to Sigil, the renowned city of doors. To aid them in navigating this enigmatic realm, the bastion has arranged for a guide. Valorine, a formidable Hound Archon, assumes this role, accompanying them on their journey through Sigil's labyrinthine pathways.

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
08 Apr 2024
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