Session 044: Fortress of the Yuan-ti Full Report

General Summary


  During some downtime, Tama decided to visit Mystwall to see Penn . Upon arrival, he was greeted by a gruesome scene. Penn's room was in shambles, furniture overturned, and blood spattered across the walls and floor. Zoi explained that the Yuan-ti had launched another attack. Despite the valiant efforts of her guards, who sacrificed their lives to protect her and Penn, the Yuan-ti managed to abduct Penn. Tama used a reflecting pool to scry on Penn, and saw him in a dark dungeon bloody and beaten. A spectral Yuan-ti stood before him, and put his incorporeal hand into Penn's chest causing the young man to howl in pain.   Determined to save Penn, Tama quickly gathered his party and set off eastward, following Zoi's directions. Their journey led them into treacherous mountains, where they discovered a small village of captives near an abandoned castle. The castle loomed ominously, with snake icons hewn into the mountain’s side, marking it as a sinister Yuan-ti stronghold.   As they approached the village, they were shocked to find Zoi among the captives. She appeared haggard but resilient, and her expression shifted to surprise upon seeing the party. She revealed that she had been held captive for nearly a tenday and claimed she never spoke to them in Mystwall. This revelation left the party stunned, realizing they had been deceived.   Zoi informed them that Penn was inside the castle, held by the Yuan-ti. With this new information, the party steeled themselves for a rescue mission, understanding that they would be facing not only the Yuan-ti but also whatever dark forces lay within the depths of the cursed castle. Before leaving, Zoi meantioned that the Yuan-ti had been very active in the last few days, readying themselves for something they called The Sacrement and to be careful.    

Quinn's Gambit

The castle gates loomed before them, resembling a snake’s maw ready to strike. The party knew that entering through the front would be suicide. So, Quinn thought to bring the Yuan-ti leader to him. Calling out to the master of this castle was answered by the gates opening and a massive Yuan-ti Ignan weidling a massive falchion emerged to do battle. It hit very hard, and nearly brought the party down, but they were able to kill the beast. It was off to Plan B. Carefully scanning the rocky terrain, they searched for an alternative route. After an hour of painstaking exploration, they discovered a hidden side passage leading into a cavern. This passage wound its way through the darkness, ending at a false wall within the fortress's depths.  

Into the Castle

Pushing open the secret door revealed a stone chamber. Inside, four Yuan-ti were busily sorting through the bloodied supplies of fallen adventurers. As the door swung open, the Yuan-ti sprang into action, hissing and brandishing their weapons. A fierce battle erupted, the clang of steel and the crackle of spells filling the air.   As the party began to gain the upper hand, a spectral Yuan-ti halfblood ghost materialized through the wall. Its malevolent gaze fixed on Tama, and with a chilling grasp, it reached for his heart, nearly killing him with its icy touch.   Despite the shock, the party rallied, dispatching the Yuan-ti patrol. The fight spilled out of the chamber into a larger room dominated by a massive garbage pool. From the filthy depths, an Otyugh erupted, its tentacles flailing, threatening to turn the tide of battle.   Thinking quickly, Quinn cast Charm Monster, successfully calming the beast and turning it into an unexpected ally. With the Otyugh now on their side, the party regrouped and focused their efforts on the spectral Yuan-ti, ultimately destroying the ghostly menace.  

The Prisoners

The party found themselves in a dank dungeon filled with many occupied cells. As they cautiously moved through the dimly lit corridor, they noticed various captives—humans, elves, and even a few dwarves—imprisoned behind iron bars. In one cell, a striking figure caught their attention: a female Yuan-ti pureblood, her scales glinting in the low light.   Curious, they approached her cell, and she revealed that she had been imprisoned for speaking out against Sulvagren, the ruthless master of the castle. Her fate was to be tortured and eventually killed for her dissent.   Sensing an opportunity, the party offered her freedom in exchange for valuable information. The Yuan-ti, eyes filled with a mixture of hope and defiance, agreed and revealed the following:
  • Sulvaugren is the Master of Worlds.
  • He is performing The Sacrement that will bring the The Risen King to this world
  • The Risen King will devour the non-believers
  • Penn was taken because the Risen King needs a noble blooded host.
  The party didn't release the Yuan-ti, fearing that she would turn on them, but said they would return when this was all over. To which the Yuan-ti raged against saying the were fools and would be killed.   As the prisoners were free, they found a small halfling rouge that introduced herself as Magenta. She was hired by some people to track some some documents down and return them. Only to late did she realize they were the Yuan-ti that only rewarded her with emprisonment. She wants some revenge and joined the party.

Entry Hall

The party ascended the stairs from the dungeon, hearts pounding with anticipation. Magenta, ever the stealthy scout, crept ahead and reported back. She described a gruesome chamber filled with wicked torture devices, leading into a vast entry hall beyond. There, nearly twenty creatures milled about, including the evil cleric, Elvarel Prath, and a massive skeletal raptor, their presence exuding a palpable sense of malevolence. As the party strategized, Quinn recalled an old Yuan-ti tale about Sibyl, an abomination that once became the avatar for Seth, the Nameless One. Inspired, he devised a daring plan. While he couldn't create the illusion of a god, he could simulate the fearsome avatar. Using his ring of invisibility, he stealthily made his way back to the front gates.   There, Quinn conjured a massive illusion of Sibyl, calling out the Yuan-ti worshippers as blasphemers. The entry hall erupted in chaos as the creatures, believing the avatar had appeared, readied themselves for battle. Infantry, including a formidable Ignan, charged out of the gates, which slammed shut behind them, trapping them outside.   Realizing they had been deceived, the creatures attacked the illusion, only to find themselves outmaneuvered. Seizing the moment, Otto stepped forward, raising his Holy Symbol of Pelor high. A wave of radiant light burst forth, and the skeletal raptor crumbled to dust under Pelor's might.   As the battle raged, Tama cast Entanglement, vines erupting from the ground to ensnare many of their foes in the entry hall. This strategic move immobilized several enemies, giving the party a crucial advantage. Meanwhile, Magenta skillfully disabled the gate mechanism, ensuring that no reinforcements could enter or escape.   It was a grueling battle of attrition, but the party slowly thinned the enemy ranks. Just as victory seemed within reach, three Yuan-ti pureblooded women emerged on the balcony above. Among them, one was hauntingly familiar: the minstress. Her face twisted in rage as she pointed a clawed finger at the party. "There they are, sisters!" she screamed. "They are the ones that killed me!"   In response, Otto unfurled golden wings of light from his magical vest and soared up to confront the sisters. They were formidable casters, bombarding him with scorching rays that forced him on the defensive. Despite the onslaught, Otto held his ground. As the battle intensified, two of the sisters fell under the party's combined might, while the third retreated, fleeing up a flight of stairs deeper into the fortress.   Suddenly, a bronze wyrmling emerged, its scales glistening as it unleashed a torrent of lightning upon the party. The group quickly realized that the dragon had been tortured into servitude by the Yuan-ti, a testament to their depravity. With a heavy heart, they dispatched the wyrmling, ending its suffering.


Victorious, the party began to search the entry floor and balcony. In one chamber, they found an altar dedicated to the The Unnameable God where Chavakuth, a lizardfolk druid was tormenting an elf wizard. The lizardfolk proposed a deal: in exchange for the wizard's life, the party must destroy any other lizardfolk they encountered. Sulvagren, in desperation, had allied with some of the Poisondusk tribe, who now needed to be eliminated.   The elf introduced himself as Shodan, grateful for the rescue. Shodan let the party know that he was looking for his paladin team mate, Arzanezra. The party agreed to help him find her. Together, they ventured higher into the fortress, ascending to the third level, prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


The party fought their way up to the third level of the fortress, where they were confronted by a massive, ominous structure looming before them—a 30-foot-tall black ziggurat. Three portal openings faced northward, but only two of them shimmered with arcane energy, hinting at their activation. Otto, however, felt an inexplicable pull from his backpack, drawing him away from the ziggurat towards a set of crumbling parchments inscribed with high infernal script. Climbing the structure, he deciphered ancient writings detailing arcane rituals and dark incantations, hinting at the nefarious purposes of the Nameless One's followers.   Below, the clash continued as human acolytes of the Yuan-ti engaged the party in a fierce battle. Otto swiftly joined the fray alongside Tama and Quinn, their coordinated efforts bolstered by Shodan's strategic spellcasting. With a well-placed Stinking Cloud, Shodan created a noxious barrier that disoriented their enemies, tipping the scales in favor of the party. The battle culminated in victory, the Yuan-ti acolytes falling one by one under the relentless assault of the adventurers.   Once the dust settled, Otto felt the uneasy feeling that someone was watching him. With a detect magic, he realized there was a scrying sensor watching them. He see if an item of his was being used to find him, and through process of elimnation found it was his armor. The armor of the black cleric.   The lizardfolk druid, grateful for the party's aid, offered crucial information. He revealed that the fortress comprised four interconnected towers: the Tower of the Way, housing portals to different dimensions; the Tower of the Word; and the Tower of Worlds, with each tower descending deeper into arcane mysteries. Opening the central way, the lizardfolk facilitated the party's retreat to Mistwall, allowing them to regroup and replenish their supplies under cover of night.

Followers of Demogorgon

With dawn approaching, Otto and Tama took a moment to pray and renew their spells, preparing for the challenges ahead. It was then that Shodan, revealing his true purpose, confided in the party. He and Arzanezra were devout followers of Demogorgon, aware that completing the sacrament sought by the Nameless One would grant him powers akin to the Prince of Demons—specifically, the ability to claim souls for his domain regardless of their faith. Shodan and Arzanezra staunchly believed that such dominion over souls should belong solely to Demogorgon, fearing the consequences of the Nameless One wielding such immense power.   Despite this revelation, the party agreed to continue aiding Shodan and Arzanezra for now, understanding the gravity of the situation and the need for allies against the greater threat posed by the Nameless One. They knew, however, that their cooperation might eventually lead to a confrontation with Shodan and Arzanezra themselves—a conflict they hoped to avoid until absolutely necessary, as they ventured deeper into the perilous towers of the fortress.

The Rescue

The party journeyed swiftly to the Portal of the Way, their hearts heavy with the urgency of their mission. As they arrived, they witnessed a grim scene unfolding: Arzanezra, alongside other prisoners, stood at the brink of sacrificial altars, surrounded by cultists ready to enact dark rituals. Without hesitation, the adventurers sprang into action, disrupting the sacrificial ceremony. Otto, his determination burning bright, swiftly dispatched the lead cultist with a decisive blow, crushing the assailant's skull and saving Arzanezra and the prisoners from their grisly fate.   Impressed by their courage and resolve, Arzanezra agreed to join forces with the party, trusting Shodan's endorsement of their noble intentions. Together, they descended further into the Tower of the Word, navigating its labyrinthine passages until they reached a small, secluded library.


Within the library, they encountered an unexpected figure: Zoldathra, a half-devil yuan-ti abomination with scales as dark as midnight. Zoldathra, bitter and betrayed, revealed startling truths to the party. Despite his status within the cult, Sulvagren and his inner circle had deliberately kept him ignorant of their ultimate plan. Contrary to conventional ambitions of conquest, Sulvagren sought not dominion but annihilation—a cataclysmic obliteration that would consume not just the world, but all souls within it.   Driven by a newfound resolve and shared purpose, Zoldathra expressed a fervent desire for revenge against Sulvagren, recognizing the need to thwart the mad ambitions that threatened all existence. He pledged his allegiance to the party, offering his knowledge and strength in their quest to bring an end to Sulvagren's nihilistic designs.   With Arzanezra and Zoldathra now allied with them, the party's ranks swelled with formidable allies. Zoldathra devised a plan to lead the party through the portal into the Tower of Worlds, pretending them to be his sacrificial slaves. He lead the party through the portal where they were swarmed by lemures, skin sacks of devils, but Zoldathra commanded them to keep their distance.

Effandra the Medusa

Under the guise of captivity, Zoldathra maneuvered through the fortress to meet with Effandra, Master of Worship, the medusa master of the word. Her serpent-like whispers teased the party to meet her gaze, yet she allowed Zoldathra and the captives passage, knowing Sulvagren would be weakened after completing the Sacrament. Sensing an opportunity to gain favor with Sulvagren herself, Effandra insisted on accompanying them, her motives veiled in serpentine cunning.

Final Battle

Ascending the extradimensional tower, the air thickened with a foul mist emanating from braziers that belched noxious fumes, testing the party's resolve. In a chamber guarded by three Yuan-ti priests, they confronted the grotesque, bloated form of Sulvagren, an abomination of excess and dark power. Heartbreak struck Tama as he discovered Penn laid upon an altar, lifeless with his heart gruesomely removed.   Thinking quickly, Quinn seized upon desperation and deception, claiming to be Penn's long-lost twin of noble birth. Sulvagren, intrigued by the potential for dual sacrifice, eagerly consented to their deaths upon the altar, underestimating the cunning of Quinn's bluff.   A battle erupted within the confines of the tower's extradimensional space, where physical laws twisted and reality itself was malleable. Otto, realizing the extradimensional nature of their surroundings, cast a banishment spell that sent Effandra back to the Material Plane, removing her from the unfolding conflict.

Karstan and the Followers of Hextor

Sulvagren proved to be a formidable adversary, his bloated form wielding dark magics that tested the party's endurance and resilience. Despite the odds, the adventurers fought with valor and unity, eventually overwhelming Sulvagren's defenses and bringing him to his knees. However, before they could deliver the final blow, Karstan , accompanied by the Ordained Champions of Hextor, materialized in the chamber. They had been scrying on the party, driven by their own motives to seize control of the situation.   Karstan revealed a critical revelation: the only way to destroy the infernal writs and prevent Sulvagren's legacy from continuing was to use the power of the Yuan-ti ziggurat itself. If Sulvagren perished, that power would be lost forever. Otto, grappling with the moral dilemma, made the fateful decision to end Sulvagren's life, believing it was a necessary sacrifice to ensure a better future, despite the cost.

The Conclusion

In the aftermath of the battle, with Sulvagren defeated and the immediate threat neutralized, Zoldathra emerged as the unexpected leader of the Yuan-ti. Grateful for the party's pivotal role in freeing him from Sulvagren's tyranny, Zoldathra pledged his loyalty and offered the use of the fortress's magical resources to the adventurers. With a newfound respect and alliance forged through adversity, the party departed, knowing they had changed the course of fate for the Yuan-ti and perhaps the world itself.

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
29 Jun 2024
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