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The Spice Road

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Aelwad
| Looking for Players
this region is characterised by two main features   political unrest and untold wealth   the spice road sits on the edge of the known world, a strange and wonderous place full of cultures and riches completely aliend to the enhabitants of Aelwad.   the region has rarely seen a period of peace, now it is split in two by the rise of the grand caliphate which has spread to encompass the entire southern coast of the Kanol Sea and the unity fiath which has called a crusade to purge the heresy of the caliphate from the face fo the earth.   the true wealth of the region lays in the spice which flows from the east.   many claim this is the true cause of hostilities in the region.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Carric Granihle

Arrin Rolyat


Level 6 Half Orc Chaotic Good Barbarian
/ 72 HP


Level 6 Elf (Fire Caste) Lawful/Neutral Monk
/ 39 HP