Session 316 - Shocking Revelations Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 316 - Shocking Revelations

General Summary

28th to 29th of Halane 726TR

The Story So Far

The King is dead. King Minigath, after ruling well for thirty-three years, has died, and the power struggle as to who will succeed him has started. Meanwhile, in the background, the nefarious Esoterical Order of Lothrim is up to no good.

This is the continuation of Session 314 - A Clash of Wills.

Location - Outside the City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

28th Halane 726

Part 1 - Decisions

Lady Erila, art by Artbreeder
Having narrowly escaped the City of Tashal with Lady Erila Kaphin and Princess Meliem Elendsa, the heroes consider their options.

Lady Erila would like the group to travel to the Castle of Minarsas and catch up with her son, Sir Tulath Kaphin, the Sheriff of Vemionshire. When the King’s (presumably forged) Will naming Sir Tulath his heir was discovered, she advised him to seek council from Earl Declaen Caldeth at Castle Minarsas. She is concerned that he may do something foolish.

Princess Meliem, art by Artbreeder
Princess Meliem wants to travel to the nearby Royal Keep of Querina and talk to her cousin, the Sheriff, Sir Conwan Elendsa. The heroes decide to do both, traveling to Querina Keep first and then on to Minarsas Castle.

They buy riding horses at a nearby village to speed up their escape. Unfortunately, this allows a gang of pursuing mercenaries to catch up. Although the characters, now on horseback, could easily outrun them, they decide to eliminate that threat and hide the bodies in a thicket off the road.

Part 2 – A Change of Heart

Sir Armant, art by Playground AI
With Querina Keep not far in the distance, the travelers are intercepted by a squadron of Order of the Lady of Paladins Knights from the nearby Abbey of Caleme. One knight, Sir Armant Houlcath, recognizes Rycon and the Ladies. Unfortunately, Rycon fought and won a bitter duel of honor against Sir Armant several months ago (refer to Session 300 - Moments of Honor). But surprisingly, Sir Armant is civil and polite, almost friendly.

After the heroes tell him they intend to meet with Sheriff Conwan, Sir Armant and his men volunteer to accompany them. Sir Conwan is not at Querina Keep, having made camp with his hastily assembled army. The Sheriff intends to oppose the incoming army of Sir Malden Harabor, which could be hours away from supporting this brother's garrison in the City of Tashal. “A fool’s errand,” he confides pessimistically. “The Sheriff Conwan seeks to ambush Sir Malden's army before it reinforces Tashal. I don’t think we have enough men to pull this off, even with the element of surprise”. Rycon is aware Tashel is lightly defended, and if reinforced, Sir Manden would have a significant strategic advantage.

Tactful inquiring as to why Sir Armant is so friendly, Rycon learns that his former enemy has had a revelation. Before the duel, he prayed to the goddess Larani for her judgment. If he was in the wrong and had fought dishonorably in the Solora Crusade, he expected to lose, but if he was in the right, he expected to win. Rycon soundly beat him, so he accepted the divine judgment and resolved to change his ways.

Part 3 – A Shocking Revelation

Sheriff Sir Conwan Elendsa.jpeg
Sheriff Conwan, art by Artbreeder
The group arrives at Sir Conwan's camp. He has hastily assembled an army and plans to ambush Sir Malden’s much larger army before nightfall. Sir Conwan Elendsa, having recently had a frustrating meeting with Kaldor's Archbishop of Larani, is a busy man but finds time to meet with the party.

Princess Meliem and Lady Erila update him on the events in the city and their escape. Lady Erila insists that she, or her son, had nothing to do with the King's murder. Unfortunately, Sir Conwan is privy to other incriminating information: her chambers were searched after she escaped the city, and a messenger has just arrived alleging it contains evidence that she has been acting as a spy. He accuses her of treason and being a spy for her homeland, the Kingdom of Chybisa.

Lady Erila vigorously swears her innocence, and Sir Conwan does not have enough time to investigate or discuss it further. He has a battle to fight; innocence or guilt will have to be determined later. Rather than being thrown into a dungeon, Lady Erila agrees to surrender voluntarily, go to Querina Keep, and be detained until the Sheriff has time to pursue justice. The bewildered party accompanies her.

Taking Rycon aside, she confesses she is not a Chybisan spy but is an agent working for an organization associated with the Kingdom of Melderyn. She insists that she is not, and never has been, spying on Kaldor but instead monitoring and advising on events, particularly the actions of the mysterious Lady Gwaderia. Rycon asks why she trusts him, and she replies, “Lady Bresyn Risai” (the City of Tashal's White Hand agent) “speaks highly of you and your friends,” then looking at Rycon’s katana, “He would not have given that weapon to you if you are untrustworthy.” Rycon’s katana was given to him by the master weapon crafter Yebisi Netoshi, based in Melderyn's capital city. She asks Rycon to travel to Minarsas and ensure her son does not do anything foolish. On the way, she suggests they travel to Dalmelin Manor. Lady Gwaderia has been known to frequent the Blackthorn Inn on many occasions. “It may give a clue as to what she is up to. “

Location - Dalmelin Manor in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 4 - The Monster under the Well

Princess Meliem decides to stay at Querina Keep with Lady Erila. So, the party ride to Dalmelin Manor and arrive at sundown renting a room in the Blackthorn Inn. The same room, according to discrete inquiries, Lady Gwaderia frequently uses. The Inn is bustling with activity and gossip. Lord Skally, his squire, and half a dozen yeoman have ridden out this morning to join Sheriff Conwan's hurriedly prepared army.

29th of Halane 726

The room is examined and contains nothing suspicious but overlooks a small market square with a well, and Valeria's Detect Magic reveals enchantments around the well. After midnight, unobserved, the party descended the well, finding a large, waterlogged chamber with relatively dry side passages. Alarmingly, there is a guard, a large stalactite on the roof begins to move. It has one large eye and a maw filled with sharp, rocky teeth, projecting half a dozen strands that wrap around the heroes, sapping their strength with some vile sticky fluid. The creature pulls some heroes in and snaps at them, nearly biting Rycon in half. Fortunately, Valeria discovered that the Roper is vulnerable to flames, and a well-delivered series of Firebolts make short work of it, incinerating its rocky hide.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Lady Erila Kaphin - the King's mistress and Lord Privy Seal.

Princess Meliem Elendsa - the King's niece and Lord High Chamberlain.

Sir Armant Houlcath - Larani Knight.

Sir Conwan Elendsa - Sheriff of Semethshire.


Nothing this week.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

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Player Characters

Valeria - Human - L9 Shadow Sorcerer

Background - Magical Experiment.

Archetype - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human - L9 Fighter

Background - Rebel Knight.

Archetypes - Liberator Champion/Dual Weapon Warrior.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf - L9 Thief Rogue

Background - Scout.

Archetypes - Vigilante/Medic/Shadowdancer/Wizard.

Next Session

Session 317 - The Wardrobe Under The Well.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
15 Oct 2023

Order of the Lady of Paladins

Order of Larani worshiping knights. They have recently broken away from their parent Order and are in the process of renaming themselves.

Lady of Paladins.png

by Columbia Games

Clan Elendsa

The Royal family

Clan Elendsa, by Columbia Games

Clan Kaphin

House of Lady Erila Kaphin and the former king's bastard son, Sheriff Tulath Kaphin.

Clan Kaphin, Art by Attacus

Clan Harabor

House of Sir Malden Harabor, Sheriff of Meselyneshire, and Sir Koris Harabor, Marshall of the Royal Guard, both bastard sons of the former King.

by Clan Harabor, art by Columbia Games

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