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John Jackson

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Sat 6th Nov 2021 07:11


by John Jackson

We began our journey back to the main land. We went to the ship gally and had a few drinks. Champ told me that he stole my boomerang and gave it back.. Not that I wanted it back. I went to the nearest port hole and threw it outside. After our drinking I went back to my room and suddenly somehow my boomerang found its way back into my room. I threw it out into the hall. I suspect this was Champs doing.
Over the next few days, we did not do much other than hang around. In a fit of boredom I doored myself out Infront of the ship and thunder steped my way back to the top of the ship, splashing water up into the air. A large orc man came up to the front of the ship and looked at me like I had done something to cause the splash. I told him I tooted and he believed me.
A day before reaching land we found ourselves within a large magical storm. The lightning smashed down and disappeared a large section of the boat. We rushed and panicked, but made it through.
Upon making it to the port we said our goodbyes and I transformed myself into the dwarf old man winked at the captain who was being rude and looked over to the young dwarf whose old man's form I was wearing. He began to shout but I walked away.
Shortly after reaching the land, I was struck by lightning and has myself a strange dream. I woke yelling Kavuud, but I choked on Champs's finger which was in my mouth.
We met up at the local tavern, discussed our plans to leave town, and went to the stables after resting. We discussed our next options, but glunt pulled out a strange orb. He explained that it was an orb of thought and champ and I did as told and put our hands on the orb, touched our foreheads, and found myself in some sort of battle plane.

At the end of the battle, there was some konc shell, with odd markings on the side of it. We exit the strange fight plane and Champ looks at us, tells us to put our hand on the konc shell, and teleported us… to fucking buckingclif. Suddenly and unexpected.
We went to the local town hall and chartered a party of individuals to back arcington and retrieve our horses, cart, and other belongings. However, we may have forgotten to inform them to bring Valia back with them.

John's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. 6/15/3-12
    30 Oct 2021 04:23:41
  2. 6/15/3-12
    30 Oct 2021 04:24:12
  3. 6/15/3-12
    30 Oct 2021 04:25:03
  4. 6/15/3-12
    30 Oct 2021 04:25:34
  5. 6/15/3-12
    30 Oct 2021 04:26:10
  6. 6/16/3-12
    30 Oct 2021 04:26:37
  7. 6/17/3-12
    30 Oct 2021 04:27:04
  8. 207-522-3
    30 Oct 2021 04:27:47
  9. 208-552-3
    30 Oct 2021 04:28:37
  10. 213/552/3
    30 Oct 2021 04:29:28
  11. Dream
    30 Oct 2021 04:30:13
  12. 220/552/3-2
    30 Oct 2021 04:30:35
  13. 229/552/3
    30 Oct 2021 04:31:18
  14. 230/552/3
    30 Oct 2021 04:31:46
  15. 238/552/3
    30 Oct 2021 04:32:11
  16. 238/552/3
    06 Nov 2021 03:28:48
  17. 238/552/3
    06 Nov 2021 07:11:38

The major events and journals in John's history, from the beginning to today.

The Strings of Discord

06:56 pm - 01.01.2022

The Strings of Discord

04:24 am - 04.12.2021


We began our journey back to the main land. We went to the ship gally and had a few drinks. Champ told me that he stole my boomerang and gave it back.. Not that I wanted it back. I went to the nearest port hole and threw it outside. After our drinking I w...

07:11 am - 06.11.2021


While in the water temple, we found several mermen people. They seemed to have some intent to assist in the killing of a creature here in the water temple. After exploring for a while we found a merwoman priestess. We were attacked by a water hag, which r...

03:28 am - 06.11.2021


We have arrived at our desination. Dalila and Valia found a fishcat!? Beast, which they befriended. After setting the fishcat free into the water it returned telling Dalila that the water temple is so far down, that the light does not shine anymore. I...

04:32 am - 30.10.2021


We started our journey to the water temple. We chartered a ship to take us for 8 days to the middle of this very large lake. During our voyage I met a man while fishing, who wanted to understand what magic is. I decided I didn’t much like his tone. I de...

04:31 am - 30.10.2021


While in the town of Arrcington, after speaking to a Half orc in the tavern, I went to the south town dump. I did some digging around and found the decapitated head of a human, and a long sword. I found no other leads or information while at the dump. ...

04:31 am - 30.10.2021


We set out from town to the south. We are headed to the town of Arrcington. I did not catch why we are going to Arrcington, but the party seems to want to go there. So, on we go. We spoke with the city guard capt before we left. We purchased new horses an...

04:30 am - 30.10.2021


Valley of garbage with a stone slab with odd engravings that glow. Door opens and are sucked into . Eye with 8 different eyes floating around in the maw a gem with my patrons voice. "give me what I want and I'll make you all powerful. Be my jarl. Awaken. ...

04:30 am - 30.10.2021


We have found salt breaker from the GHG guild. He is a large tattooed goliath. He found us in the CROOKED INN where we performed horridly which turns out was exactly what the tavern wanted. Glunt Chalanged Salt breaker to an arm wrestling challenge. A...

04:29 am - 30.10.2021


We are headed to welterlet with three covered waggons. We asked the stable hand to delay the people we encoutered in the tavern. Corvina reconised the three people that happened to be following us in the storm before. The party of three seemed to be very ...

04:28 am - 30.10.2021


We have encountered a very skinny man. With no apparent weapons. He has offered to sell us cures of any time we may desire. Cures to sickness, drunkenness, fevers. Everything you could want. He has challenged glunt to a punching challenge. 5 gp is on the ...

04:27 am - 30.10.2021


We have made it to Kavuud. IT IS FLOODING. The city is very crowded. Hundreds of people are huddling around taking shelter in areas less wet. The docks are beginning to flood, water is midsole on my boots everywhere, some areas up to my calves. People are...

04:27 am - 30.10.2021


The storm seems to have worsened. We are unsure how we will be able to continue to travel in this storm. The horses are looking a little better. This is going to delay our travels. We decided to travel for the day. At our new camp for the night, we have e...

04:26 am - 30.10.2021


Our pursuers did not show up and attack. They seem to have gone into the woods and are no longer behind us, or we can not find them in this storm. As such, Reginald has pulled out his pocket hut, and we have decided to make camp for the night. around 2 AM...

04:26 am - 30.10.2021


We have decided to set up a "camp." We intend to ambush the three people that were tailing us. Vallia and Corvina have gone to hide within the trees. Glunt, Dalilah, Reginald, and I have elected to stay within the camp and be prepared for attack. The last...

04:25 am - 30.10.2021


Dalilah's mount has noticed we are being followed on our journey. She went back to investigate. Vallia heard Dalilah's mount cry out in pain. We rushed back to help and found Dalilah had been shot with an arrow that made her drowsy. ...

04:25 am - 30.10.2021


6/15/3-12 Morning: We have set out to find the GHG. It is rumored that they may have a way to stay the poison that is affecting Mund. I do not understand why these people have decided to set out on such a dismal day. It is raining very heavily, at times h...

04:24 am - 30.10.2021


6/15/3-12: Reginald desires to help this man. Mund has been poisoned with a knife and is dying. Reginald and his overly large heart can not bear the thought of his mother having to bury her child. He has offered to pay me to help them in rescuing Mund. Ho...

04:23 am - 30.10.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of John.

Played by

Other Characters by X97