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Sat 30th Oct 2021 04:31


by John Jackson

While in the town of Arrcington, after speaking to a Half orc in the tavern, I went to the south town dump. I did some digging around and found the decapitated head of a human, and a long sword. I found no other leads or information while at the dump.
I took the sword and the head to the local town guard and spoke with a member of the guard. He seemed to not care much about my findings, accused me of attempting to hide a crime by turning in the head. But, ultimatly understood that it made no sense for me to bring the head to him. They did not have any information on missing persons, nor did they seem to have any interest in the investigating the matter more.
I did discover that the town does not keep the dead around for very long. They very quickly just put them out to sea for the Krabs to consume.
After my adventures in the town dump, and speaking to the lady at the sublime tree, I meet back up with the group im traviling with. They have plans to explore an underwater temple. We have 3 water breathing potions, and the plan is to polymorph two of us to sharks to go explore.