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Sat 30th Oct 2021 04:32


by John Jackson

We have arrived at our desination. Dalila and Valia found a fishcat!? Beast, which they befriended. After setting the fishcat free into the water it returned telling Dalila that the water temple is so far down, that the light does not shine anymore.
I went and spoke to the ship quartermaster and asked for a bag of phospherous. After coating three torches in phospherous, we prepaired to dive. Dalila, myself, and Calderhrim took the diving bell down, for 250'. Glunt, took a potion that we believed to be of water breathing. He turned into some sort of fish person and dived in. Champ and corvina turned into sharks and everyone began going down.
After a short while we encountered a very large writhing creature. Dalila told Calderim and I that her fishcat said it was a sea searpent. I later found it to be the gardian of the temple. Dalila attempted to speak to it, it appeard, but then in the middle of her speaking to it one of the sharks suddenly apeared to latch on to the face of the serpent.