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Sat 30th Oct 2021 04:31


by John Jackson

We started our journey to the water temple. We chartered a ship to take us for 8 days to the middle of this very large lake. During our voyage I met a man while fishing, who wanted to understand what magic is. I decided I didn’t much like his tone. I devised a devilish plan to desgiuse myself as his best friend on the ship after studying him for a while. I had planned to discover what his lover back home looked like, disguise myself as them, and hang myself from the ship mast before him. However, I chose poorly and the Half orc I attempted to impersonate was met with great suspicion. However, I discovered that his father worked on this ship. After figuring out what his father looked like, I disguesed myself as the father, and hung myself from the mast. After flailing for a while, I mage handed the knot and dropped beyond sight. Just before I hit the water I dimension doored myself back to the ship.
That’s.. When it all went to shit. The young man jumped overboard after his father. A half-orc tied off and jumped overboard. I jumped overboard with Champ promising to polymorph me, which… he did. INTO A GOD DAMN GOAT. I still had fly active, and there I was goat flailing in and out of the water still flying, upside-down right side up. Spinning in the air. Not like a goat knows how to fly.
Valia despelled the poly, and flight and we splashed into the water. We searched for a the young dwarf, until Champ polymorphed the both of us into Giant Sharks. The blood in the water was so inciting. We found the dwarf and began rushing to him for dinner. However, it became clear to us that, that is a bad idea. I don’t understand why. We stopped, then rushed forward again and launched the dwarf into the air, where Dalilia caught him with Buckbeak.
Shortly after we noticed something masive was in the water with us, and we begain to panic swim away. Suddenly we found ourselves just Swimming in the water. Valia Doored us back to the ship, and we found them reviving a very upset young dwarf. His father comforting him. In all everyone was very confused.
After going to bed, a few hours later, we were attacked by two giant crabs.