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Sat 6th Nov 2021 03:28


by John Jackson

While in the water temple, we found several mermen people. They seemed to have some intent to assist in the killing of a creature here in the water temple. After exploring for a while we found a merwoman priestess. We were attacked by a water hag, which really pissed me off and to my surprise, I banished her back to the fae realm. We found a water element that gave us underwater breathing and then we fought an ice hydra. After fighting the ice hydra we took a short rest and dived into the pool in the middle of the room. After swimming our way through a cave mouth in the back of the pool we found a large cave system. The caves were lined with a plant that was identified as a dolphin flower. After getting stabbed by the flower, there is a chance that your thoughts will begin to be eco broadcast out of your mind to the water around you.
It allowed us to begin talking to each other whether we wanted to or not underwater. We swam for a while and found a blockage in the caves. It was pushed aside and we found a main chamber in the cave system. Within the main chamber, we found Quin and a gigantic Kraken discussing a deal.
Quin requested that the Kraken restore his "brothers" memories. After a while, we were discovered and the Kraken addressed us. Glen went forth and the Kraken bored into his mind with his tentacles and he went limp. Quin then turned and addressed us, told us that we were no longer needed, and attacked us.