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Sat 30th Oct 2021 04:27


by John Jackson

We have made it to Kavuud. IT IS FLOODING. The city is very crowded. Hundreds of people are huddling around taking shelter in areas less wet. The docks are beginning to flood, water is midsole on my boots everywhere, some areas up to my calves. People are trying to put up damns and direct the water around important areas.. but it seems to not have too much effect. The stables are over-filled, as they attempt to elevate the stables. We have found lodging for our horses and Rakesh. They only charged us half price. 2GP. Glunt... He has used some sort of magic to move the earth around the stables, protecting them more from the floodwaters. What did I just see? who is he? What is he? We went to the Guilded Tavern. Met a woman named Candice, she is Glunt's lover. Dalilah began performing, and she put on an amazing performance. The tone of the bar is completely turned around. People are showering Dalilah with gold... Where did Corvina go?