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Wed 28th Sep 2022 04:58

Day 7: Meeting the local douche

by Sasu Yokubo

Another fantastic day in paradise dear brother. It is ridiculous that a weeklong journey in this place has not only reaffirmed my belief that people should not be self-governed, but conflict and greed sit at the center of most human hearts. After we got back and reported the slaad possibility we decided to finish up another quest. It was still early enough in the day to do so, so we set off towards the slums. Apparently, a man in the slums had a sick daughter, he had to send her to Asora to get treated as no one else seemed to be able to. He sold everything, he worked day and night to get the money and a local thug had robbed him of it. Luckily for us the guy had a good idea of which group of people stole his money and of course there were a plethora of clues around the home for us to feel moderately sure that we got the correct person. I was surprised by the restraint shown by my cousins. Our client embodied the way that those without power live their lives. The broken and kicked dog like state of being that so many live in.
Even though I said restraint we did kill three or four thugs as we went about our investigations. It's unfortunate that the thug that did the stealing was not killed as well. I wanted to do it so bad, or to allow that father to do. However, it seemed I was the only one who took this slight so personally and with great effort merely wrote him down into my book of grudges, rather than ripping his heart out and consuming it in front of him. The unfortunate thing was that the half orc that stole the money stashed it in the thug safe house which apparently is a barracks with two cock sucking ballista on top. This Sedra fellow who is the "leader" of this city is a moron. Estall beat the man a bit and tied him up before we dragged him to the barracks where we gave him to the thug captain Ezik. He made a show of being unaware of what has happened and apologized for the misunderstanding. He took back the half orc unfortunately. Had we knocked him out or killed him as I had wished a bit more justice could have been served. I really wish I could have seen the man's face as I slit that stupid orcs throat in front of him. After a few goodbyes we left and went to give the money back to the man. He was grateful and we forced him to come with us as everyone would know he was the one to ask for help. We put him up in the inn and then chose a few new quests.
After selecting a few I told Hendrik I was going to send him a rug from our home. He seemed to be confused as to why I would do something like that. I told him I felt bad that he seemed to think he was a noble but with so little money and finery and that he may have some of ours. We argued for a moment before going up to bed. I honestly don't care about wealth but the arrogance in which he speaks as if his nobility means anything just gets my dander up. If he would just shut the fuck up about it perhaps people would just not care but not a day goes by that I don't hear about god blood, or nobility duties and it becomes harder and harder not to point out he's a backwoods savage that should be grateful anyone takes an interest in his family at all. He is family and for that he has my love, and perhaps more importantly for him my patience, but it's almost as bad as listening to our father rant about his "noble deeds".
Apparently, the argument had him not wanting to sleep in his bed as in the night he tried to drag his mattress out of the room and sleep in the hallway leaving the door open. Unfortunately, as it was the last day we would be sleeping in doors I too decided to rest in the room and had taken my usual position on the ceiling. Luckily only a handful of people saw, and they were beautfiul women. It's a shame that the one who saw the most only seemed curious as to how I was dangling from the ceiling. In the unlikely event that I die, and you find these notes please make your way to Azune and kill Ezik and Tug the half orc for me please as well as whoever or whatever had actually killed me, can't let that score go unsettled either.