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Thu 22nd Sep 2022 03:00

Day 3: Shadows, Slavers, Necromancers, Orcs, Oh my!

by Sasu Yokubo

Another day another set of incredible circumstances to add to the growing list. We had been traveling for a while when we made it to the edge of some woods. Figuring it was smarter to nestle just at the base of the woods so we do not risk being caught by its inhabitants or by anything that could spot us on the very empty plain we had just come from we setup camp. I enjoyed a nightcap with my darling Kino. It seems we would have no problem restocking our resources here. The place was moderately comfortable, but I still prefer my nice soft bed, and I would wager Kino does as well though she is too sweet to complain. Just as we were about to relax and try and get some sleep we heard some strange laughter, childlike and disturbing. Hendrik and his big ears spotted a child who told us that we should get a move on as our shadows would be coming soon. You know me, I'm not one to ignore advice from creepy children who appear from the woods. I offered to the group that we should listen to the lad and make a break for it. Estall wasn't as convinced but Hendrik and the others seemed to agree that it was better safe than sorry and traveled the roads that we had hoped to traverse in the light of day.
We however soon realized we were not in the forest as we came to a strange clearing with magical barriers and some vortex of energy where the boy sat serenely. He was vague and told us about some sort of challenge and that no one had ever passed it. Maybe we should have paid more attention to the boy though because we didn't pass his trial either. It started off easily enough but before we knew it, we were surrounded by strange shadows with markings on them. The markings seemed to have special significance to each of us as they related to our abilities. The shadows were easy enough to dispatch but we simply couldn't sustain ourselves as more and more swarmed around us. Estall dropped and then so did Hendrik. I fell shortly after, and the boy made a passing comment about no one passing again. I wish we had, and hope that the lad will give us another chance.
After waking up back where we had made camp, we all seemed to be content with not talking about what had happened and trudged off towards Azune again. Wouldn't you know it though we were stopped along the way by another shout from the area around us. This time we found that there was a wyvern being attacked by some sort of animal slavers. Hendrik and Estall were familiar with them and told me they were bad. I had no interest in arguing so we went ahead and engaged, pretending that we were interested in helping them with their quarry. It worked; it seemed as though they were getting beaten up enough to not think we might be on the other side. Luckly for us too as those people were skilled and had it not been for a good initial impression, we may not have survived this little distraction. The leader was a shifter of some kind and after breaking free from Hendrik's blood magic ordered his fellows to retreat. Hendrik and Estall were interested in following the man, but I pointed out that not only did I not care that this person existed but that both had sustained nearly fatal wounds in the fight. They argued but I refused. At this point I was getting rather tired of being out in the wilderness. I relented enough to send Sha out to scout, and she reported that there was fire being set to a tree house further in the woods. She also spotted people running into the woods away from the treehouse and having figured they were good and gone Hendrik and Estall finally relented.
The day was not over yet though. As we traveled, we came across a bridge. of a small stream of water. There apparently were a large number of people arguing about necromancy. As it turns out there were a number of "Submitted" who were trying to continue their quest to the next village but were being stopped by a fiery red headed girl and a meek looking lad. Our presence seemed to be the deciding factor in the events. The "submitted" had lied to us and the other two seemed genuine enough so we decided to kill the priests and be done with it. As each of them died I noticed a shock of magic going off which seems to have had an interesting purpose. After we killed them all a mist spread around us, and two undead constructs came to collect the bodies. I recognized the symbol on their backs. That Ventas noble house that had lost popularity over the years was here. Apparently working with these "submitted". Apparently, these priests were going from town to town poisoning the crops and land. We offered the two fellows we didn't kill to join us, but they wanted to go and aid the villages that had already been visited by the priests. We parted ways and again continued towards the city. It had to be getting close. I think I saw the head of that noble house. When I tried to point him out nobody else could see him.
Night was falling and we were lucky to come to the edge of a small village. It took us a moment to realize that nobody seemed to be around, and of course a scream cut through the silence. We jogged off to investigate a bit tired by this point. We found a church that was under attack by a dozen or so orcs. I know you would have had a good time with these orcs Basu. They were big, stupid, and hit like a truck. The orcs seemed to have split up, some attacking the guards, others dragging bodies into the woods nearby, and some in the church itself. Turns out that the bodies were being taken to an ever-growing pile of dead villagers. What happened to them and for what purpose I am not sure but it's clear there was some significance to it. It wasn't just green skins having fun.
We luckily showed up in time to help a majority of the guards though it was a close thing. Many potions were passed around but eventually all the orcs were killed. The head of the guard thanked us and then told us that some priestess was inside fighting more orcs. A bit late I think but everything worked out in the end, so I suppose no harm no foul. Anyway, we rushed into the church to find an elvish woman and her pet tiger and bees fighting of a handful more orcs and their war chief. I was lucky to get through the door quick enough to get to the interior of the church as it seemed that an orc and Estall had a good time fighting over the door, much to the chagrin of Hendrik. Again, we found ourselves the victor and I chose to sit down rather than engage the priestess in banter. I listened however to Hendrik and Estall talking about what happened and what was going to happen now.
The villagers seemed to be hesitant in leaving their homes but knew that this place was no longer safe. We offered to take them most of the way to Azune as Estall had learned about the graveyard of some giant and had been insistent we go to check it out. It was nice to sleep indoors again. I know you don't really care about such things, but I must say this trip is becoming a bit wilder than I had hoped it would be. It's been really fun meeting and killing so many new things, however. I'm sure you know by now but apparently dragons exist and can be seen from time to time. Hope you haven't become one's dinner, because that would make finding you so much more difficult.