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Sat 31st Dec 2022 06:46

Day 11: Alone Again

by Sasu Yokubo

Hey Basu, still searching, obviously. I'm not really sure what had happened if I'm being honest, but somewhere along the line Hendrik had grown rather irritated with me. That all came to a head the other night. We were resting for the evening; our strange traveling fellow had refused to talk to us the entire trip and even slept outside of the camp we all sort of stopped to make together. Estall had nodded off, and the ladies retired to their tent. I was awake, and Hendrik was as well, again I'm not sure how it happened, but we began arguing. He told me that I was not respectful, and he loathed my company, I asked him why. He told me he didn't know, he just felt that way. I pressed him further, after all he is an adult and should be able to articulate why he feels the way he does. The only example he had given me was the incident the other night when I screwed with his music. I admit it wasn't very kind, but it wasn't something to think I was an asshole over, at least in my opinion. I told him if he couldn't come up with more examples then he was just being stupid, and things sort of escalated from there. I made a flippant remark that I didn't much care for him either and told him that gave us something in common so we could become closer as a family. He told me he didn't consider me family, nor wanted to be. Well, I didn't really know what to say to that. I was devastated and a bit frightened. I've told you before how creepy and annoying he could be. I didn't want to think about what not being family would mean for him and for me. It would be an awful temptation to put him in his place. The problem of course is that he clings to Estalls apron strings, and well Estall is frankly daunting. I could fight him, I might even win, but it wouldn't be pleasant, or guaranteed, fighting them both is basically suicide at my current skill. I let slip that this change in our status means that I could kill him to which he said "good", I'm not sure he thinks I am serious. It might be best that I leave after my current obligation is fulfilled.
Aside from that nonsense we found the goblins we were after the following day. We stumbled upon a goblin encampment that proclaimed themselves innocent and civilized. They told us where to find the goblins dictated in our quest. We followed the instructions bringing along a friendly little goblin named JukJuk or something. He showed us in, communicated with the goblins in the cave, as they spotted us immediately, and we entered into some sort of battle arena. They were kind enough to not all jump down at once, and after a few minutes of fierce combat the man leading them entered the arena as well. He didn't get to do much, and after he died the goblins all took off. He did however activate some sort of device which apparently summoned feral goblins from a hole we had not discovered on our way in. Luckily Estall and everyone wanted to leave as it turned out to be a massive swarm of feral goblins. Upon getting to the entrance to the cave the civilized goblin leader was standing there prepared to collapse the entrance. It's strange that even the simplest jobs around this area are laced with so much danger. Anyway, we were invited to a feast put on by the goblins and we agreed. The goblin leader had other plans for us, or I guess specifically me. He had a strange arcane focus on him that apparently gave him intelligence and reason. The downside to this gift was that it required the magic and lifeforce of a dead spell caster. He drugged everyone and attempted to accost me at night only to find that I as well as a new friend we made in the cave didn't sleep. We killed him and then killed the rest of the encampment. I will skip over Hendrik trying to interfere in my judgement of one of the goblins.
Our new friend, I completely forgot somehow even though they are sitting beside me here at the fire. Their name is Jorfain, and they are a construct from Ignis. Apparently, they had been inoperational until we came into the cave. We, Estall mainly, are apparently related to their creator and had awoken when we were in danger. They were rather gifted in the fight; we would have sorely missed them if they hadn't awoken that for sure. they seem kind enough, they too had something to say about my plans for the goblin, but they didn't threaten me or my quarry, so I have no issue with them.
I'm growing tired Basu. I don't think I can take many more proclamations like Hendriks. Maybe we don't deserve a family, maybe we are instruments in this world, to be used and not loved. If that is to be the case, I would like to stop feeling. You will always have me brother. I am sorry you are here alone. I should have snuck off with you, done anything, I didn't think father would send you away. You remember that crazy old wizard we had as our mentor for a few days who said love was the most powerful magic? I nearly pissed myself when Gwen returned and hexed him off the premise when she told him to protect himself with love. Still, I wish he was right, I would have found you by now, I would have been able to make Kino happy, I would have been able to be happy. Goodnight Basu.