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Thu 22nd Sep 2022 03:00

Day 4: Giant Bones, Heavy Hammers

by Sasu Yokubo

Alright so we are nearing Azune. I'm sorry it has taken so long brother, both for your sake and mine. We left the villagers to make the rest of the way to Azune without us as we turned to take a half a day detour to the resting place of a giant. The priestess from the day before had joined us as well as she seemed intent on giving us a portion of the reward for stopping the orcs. Estall seemed rather happy. He stood in wonder looking at the remains of this giants. I must say it was rather impressive. The bones were incredibly large. Giant really didn't begin to describe the body. I can only imagine what the person would have looked like with skin, hair, and armor. There didn't seem to be any flesh left but the giant's armor, and sword were still partially intact. The priestess told us that this is a popular location to come for low level adventurers as no matter how many times it cleared out it seems to always repopulate with giant like beings. Nothing the size of the dead giant whose grave we were visiting. Just large creatures.
We found strange slug like creatures who were working on the giant's bone and who had shell made from bits of bones. We also found some ogres, and orcs. We killed them easily enough and found that they were working on removing a tooth from the jaw of the Giant. I asked Estall to pry it out for me, and now I have it. I think I'll turn it into a chess set. Maybe I can get some dragon bones to make the opposing pieces with. Anyway, we took a detour through the Giants ribcage. There were some green oozes everywhere and I seemed to be the only one interested in it. I will call myself stupid in fairness to my earlier dig at Hendrik as when I poked it slugs appeared and tried to eat me. Luckily, they were slow, and we dashed out and made our way to the giant's sword. We walked along it as a ramp towards the cliff face where some sort of apparition of a giant appeared and decided to bully us by knocking us down repeatedly as he talked to Estall.
Apparently, the giant challenged Estall to kill some ogre that was about a hundred feet below us. Luckily the giant was happy to expedite our departure by kicking us off the sword and towards the ground where the ogre was relaxing. Thankfully he also slowed our fall. I was just getting up and dusting myself off as Estall was already charging forward happy to take the giant's challenge. The ogre was caught off guard, and Estall is rather strong, so the battle was over just as quick as it started. The apparition re appeared congratulating Estall, gifting him a hammer. I watched as Estall chucked his metal hammer to the side to accept a hammer that seemed to be made of stone. Perhaps it's the food after all. I mean Kino and I seem fine, but that's because we have our own special rations.
We took our leave now. Estall very pleased with the hammer and the detour. The priestess suggested we make a mark on the wall like the other adventurers. Estall punched the wall. I assumed that's what you were supposed to do so I followed suit. Hendrik engraved his name. Funnily enough I had forgotten to mention one of the ship crew who were about to be enslaved with had been joining us in battles and he too punched the rock, but it seemed to really hurt him. Hendrik was calling him out on it which led to a rather amusing scuffle between the two as they fought over who was higher in the pecking order. Hendrik won. Barring any other literal calls to adventure we should be entering Azune within a day. I hope I find you there. I could really use your help, and I have missed you. Stay safe, try and not die, I haven't mastered how to bring you back yet.