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Mon 31st Oct 2022 05:56

Day 10: Where Wolf?

by Sasu Yokubo

We continued on from the stream to a nearby cave where we found some wolves and wererats protecting a dozen or so people they were in the process of turning into werewolves. Hendrik had decided to save them using a potion I believe he called wolfsbane. It was a relatively short and easy process apparently. It took him the better part of a day to brew the potions but otherwise most of them were cured. The exception were two people a man and a child who developed "blue blood" something that meant they were not necessarily cured. He insisted we take them with us. I made my disapproval known; I also think Estall would be against their murder, so I don't know how all this will shake out. I hope for Hendriks's sake they prove to be cured and we do not need to find out.
After a short rest we escorted the people to a nearby village where the local authority figure assured us, he was happy to take them in. We then departed on our way to the next group of helpless citizens who were likely dead. We however were surprised along the way. A dragon, a smallish red dragon was chasing a man down the road towards us. Estall and I had wanted to fight it, but the dragon truly was too powerful. I teleported the man off the road and Estall and I dipped into the trees running as the dragon raged. Luckily for us it seemed so incensed that it allowed us to escape it as it thrashed around in fury. We happened along a small cave filled with terrified animals and we took shelter with them.
One of the animals was a small squirrel who had been kicked by an elk and pushed to the front of the group as some sort of miniscule sacrifice. After the danger had passed, I felt sorry for the thing and attempted to invite it to travel with us. He was so shocked by my kindness he couldn't move so I had Sha pick him up and Estall care for him while I searched nearby for food. As I was looking our cousins found us and talked about the dragon. Apparently, Hendrik baited the poor man into running out of safety and everyone was making fun of him for his cowardice. A rather amusing topic, but we had stuff to do and little Squirrely needed tending.
After making sure the squirrel was doing alright, we split apart again. Estall and I looking for the man who was Hendriks sacrifice and Hendrik looking for the horse he let loose in the forest. The man was sitting on the road exhausted apparently, he had been running from the dragon for a very long time. He introduced himself as Kaisen something or other and he was an adventurer who apparently attracts unwanted attention from dragons. We shared some pleasant banter and then went our separate ways which also happened to be the same way. Rather the awkward fellow he didn't try to join us once he learned we were going the same direction. Estall's horse was injured but he healed it and we were off once more.
Interesting country, it's truly a place of danger and adventure. Had I come more prepared, had we been together I might be more than a little in love with the place. However, these incidents only slow my progress, burn the few resources I have, and irritate me with their constancy.
PS: The girls are fitting in a bit better, even the stuck up one is relaxing a bit. Squirrely will make for a fine warrior squirrel. I plan to train him in the lance and mounted combat on Sha's back. He however is stubborn and a glutton.