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Sun 9th Oct 2022 05:26

Day 8: First outing

by Sasu Yokubo

So, this is more than a single day, but the rest of the time was so uninteresting I felt I might as well condense everything. The ladies we were traveling with got a cart and we all packed in and journeyed into the great expanse. Travelling we noticed that Azune had checkpoints that became fewer the further we went. We also found just a trickle of people making their way to Azune because of various attacks and monster invasions. There were kids as young as 13 trying to make their way to safety. Luckily, I had some spare money on me and gave them a silver to live on until such a time as I or another person can look after them. You know brother I figured at some point I would get used to it. I can understand how those with years under their belt have gotten where they are, but it still is like a knife to my heart seeing these kids and hearing about their lives. I know I can't be everywhere at once but knowing that I could have been there for even one of them hurts more than anything father or mother have every done to us. One of them that I stopped to question told me he his village came under attack and his parents forced him to run. He spoke as if it was normal, as if his life was so worthless it was totally normal for him to lose everything and have to cast his lot with complete strangers. One day, one day we will make sure these stories no longer need to be told. I need your help brother, I need some clue, please.
Hendrik did well feeding us along the way. He has a strange way of hunting warthogs. He screams and throws rocks and instead of using his crossbow as a ranged weapon he takes the bolts and stabs them. I think it likely he was trying to impress that woman who has come with us if I'm being honest. She seems alright enough, keeps to herself mostly. She has only spoken out once or twice, neither time were things I cared to hear but I can't judge her too harshly. She seems to have her own troubles. Her other companion I like far better, tall, strong, and with more life in her. She seems to be getting along with Estall which is good.
We found some orc tracks and bodies with strange preservation magic permeating them. It was administered by an arrow sticking out of their skulls. At first, I wagered it was some sort of ward for their operations, but those orcs didn't seem interested in sticking around they were beating feet past the village we were supposed to be aiding. I would find all of this more intriguing perhaps if in my first week here I wasn't accosted by slavers, freed some ancient evils, and ran into old forgotten Ventas houses. The feeble machinations of these orcs don't even phase me at this point. We followed their trail, but along the way we ran into some old friends. Those kids at the bridge, a pretty Tiefling lady who knows how to play the piano, and a new person who seems to be learned in other cultures. The new person had drinks for us to try and they were rather impressive. Hendrik really missed out as he was busy choking his chicken in the forest. We all talked for a while and then Estall and Jamari, the tall lady, got into a fight in which Estall won rather easily. She did well though, and strong might be an understatement. Her sword grew basically to the size of Estall, and she was swinging it around like crazy. We all decided to rest, and Hendrik embarrassed he took so long in the forest crept into camp at night thinking nobody would notice.
Finally, we made it to our first questing location. It was dark, magically so. It was great for me, I felt invigorated, and can only hope whatever is creating the magical darkness can be taken with us after we liberate it from the dead hands of its current owner. Unfortunately, the village itself was a disaster for many reasons. It was dead, dark, and basically empty. Hendrik wanted to scout things more, but we were already spotted by an enemy who seemed to behave strangely, and we figured it was best to engage rather than waste time running around the walls to seeing what else might be lurking. It attacked us and we put it down rather handedly. It was an undead creature but looked fabricated. It was no beast I have ever seen, it had no eyes, candles on its back, and a saw blade whirring in its chest. We pushed further into the village, splitting ourselves around a house that blocked the otherwise open area. Estall and I were set upon by two more of those beasts, but our party seemed more interested in exploring the village than helping us. Hendrik saying, he wanted to make sure we didn't get snuck up on left and drew the attention of yet more monsters. He drew Jamaris's attention, and she helped him. Octavia felt it was a good time to try and open the houses and get far away from the group and had run into trouble. Estall and I had a harder time with the two new monsters. It took most of my magic to keep him alive while the other fucked around doing whatever they were doing.
While Hendrik was taking his stroll, he ran into a stranger who jumped out the window in one of the houses. He was carrying a little girl which apparently was the only survivor of the attack. He was a vampire, who outed me as one when we questioned him later, I need to consider how I feel about that. Anyway, he told us about some bells, his theory on who might be directing this attack, and a bit about his history. Estall chewed out everyone for running off and it seemed to make everyone sad except Hendrik who seemed to be distant and stubborn. I'm not sure the lad and I will get along. I certainly hope he grows up before too long. Love and hope as always brother.