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Tue 9th Apr 2024 04:49

A ballad for the departed

by Lucens

In loving memory of Teddy and his beloved father, may their souls now eternal in Mount Celestia.
*soft spoken singing by Lucens, to sooth the souls of those who lost their lives*
“Her heart is big enough to hold your fears;
You can fill it up with all your tears.
Your hopes, and dreams and failures too;
it’s big enough to hold all of you.
Let go of the tiredness that came with each day,
the sadness that didn’t go away.
the memories that flood your heart;
the pain of being apart.
the chores that piled around;
the loneliness of standing your ground.
Her heart is big enough for all of this pain;
She knows what you went through and it was not in vain.
You’ve been through it all, you suffered so much;
so now you feel Her touch.
It will come to you through a smile, like a friend;
A helping hand that came in the end .
A thoughtful moment from someone who cares;
a candle alight in the depths of despair.
Know that Her presence is wrapped around you,
and all that you’re feeling, all that is blue;
Her heart is big enough to take all of you.
To take you inside, to the warmth of Her love,
where you are now able to safely hide.
Her heart will never let you feel alone,
and it burns away all the fear of the unknown.
This is my prayer during this time,
that a ray of hope from Her heart will shine.
Straight into yours to take out the fear,
dispel all darkness and fill you with cheer.
Her heart is big enough — Believe it, it’s true!
Her love is the source of all life anew.
She is waiting for you.
See Her smile! See Her hand!
She will lead you ahead.
Morning's Dawn lights the way;
Restless dream all done;
Shadows gone, break of day,
Life has just begun.
Every tear wiped away,
Pain and sickness gone;
Wide awake there with Her!
Peace goes on and on!
Going home, going home,
You'll be going home.
See the Light! See the Sun!
You’re just going home.”
O Immaculate Radiant Diche, Heavenly beauty and splendor, you are the most valued Heavenly treasure. Recieve their souls in your golden heaven, eternal.
Diche thanks you, and I thank Diche.