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Sat 16th Mar 2024 10:15


by Lucens

We finally made it to Edgewind, after what seemed like an eternity of trying to reach the city after learning there is a temple dedicated to Diche here.
I felt compelled to come, somewhat connected to the city. Ever since I left home at the main temple of the Cathedral and left Diene behind, I have been feeling a little guilty about it.
I needed to come here and feel closer to home by visiting the temple.
I know I was meant to come and help my friends try to rid the island of this horrible curse that has fallen upon it, but that doesn’t make me feel any less guilty about the way I had to leave home.
Diene told me one morning as we strolled the gardens of the Cathedral, that the temple's mission sometimes attracted somber enemies, that would stop at nothing to harm the clergy and tarnish my Mother’s shine in the planes. Naturally if they learned my origin as a son created straight from Diche’s essence, they would seek to harm me and possibly destroy me, that was the reason she had been so protective of me all these years.
She had hoped living cloistered in the refuge of the Cathedral could help me grow and become stronger to face the harsh realities of our world.
I am thankful to Diene, her teachings have come in handy many times, and she was right, but no matter how hard I trained, or how many books I read, nothing could better prepare me to face the real world, and now that I have it has helped me grow even more!
She thought I wasn’t ready yet, and I somewhat agree with her, in many ways I wasn’t.
I’m learning as I go, it isn’t easy but I have faith we will succeed in our mission, and I will be able to see my home again and Diene.
This place is beautiful, very different from Neverview, cleaner and more orderly. Regal.
The influence The Cathedral of Light has over the city is visible, with beautiful gardens and statues of The Radiant one all over. I'm proud to see Edgewind has adopted the Cathedral the way it has, if it were for me, every city would do the same.

It feels nice being back to a big city again, we had been on the road for a while, so it gives me some respite.
Seems like we aren’t free of ordeals tho, seems like the consequences of his acts are finally catching up to Milerion as we found a wanted poster of him, accusing him of murdering Neverview’s supreme counselor’s brother, the man Amellys had unpetrified back at the basilisk’s lair. Now we have to deal with that.
Edras and I headed to the Cathedral, I had some business to attend as the others went to take care of their own endeavors.
Our sojourn in Edgewind has been nothing but eventful.
Milerion seems on a quest to complicate things for us, seduced by the corrupted promises of power whispered by the hand we found at Elvenbleak tower, he chopped off his own hand and then realized the mistake he had made so decided to chop it off again, with my help.
I am worried this powerful artifact might seek to manipulate my other friends with its twisted offerings of power, cursed power. I need to deal with it, but who can I entrust with such a powerful and malevolent artifact?
Somewhat of a ray of sunshine in this chaotic storm, the intendant Duval, a faithful paladin of Diche. What I have hopes Tholor will maybe one day become?
He is stalwart, staunch and devoted! He definitely caught my eye right away.
I admire someone so pious and dedicated to the goddess, it reminds me of myself.
It makes me think of Tholor more and more, I can’t stop wondering what he has become!
Anyway, I’m glad Duval seems willing to lend me a hand in my duties, I sure need all the help I can get.

Especially taking care of those disgusting priestesses of Shar, horrible corrupted creatures, they will all meet their end, no exceptions, to worship an evil goddess needs to be punished with death… is what Diene would probably say and Duval probably as well.
They might be right, but I know my mother better than anyone and she also advocates for redemption of those willing to truthfully repent and change their ways.
We need to purge the darkness with our light, but our light can also shine as a ray of hope to others. A light of salvation.
That’s only if they truly repent tho, if they don’t, then yeah I will kill them if I have to.
I will be contacting my mother directly. It fills me with joy but makes me a little bit nervous, she’s a goddess after all.
I hope she will help me save Milerion from a gruesome execution.