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Tue 9th Apr 2024 04:47

Letter to Diene

by Lucens

My dear Diene,
How naive was I, today I have been confronted with a harsh reality, one I never thought could exist.
My perception has been forever tarnished, from that pristine one I grew up in at the Cathedral, I have witnessed the wickedness of men corrupt the doctrine of my mother.
Where she teaches love and courage they preach hate and cowardice
I witnessed a so-called “priest” of the goddess Diche, falsely judge and sentence to death an innocent child, accusing it of being a fiend.
Where my mother’s light shines and brings redemption, they called for fire and death.
You would be as disgusted as I am of what I stood witness today, far from the real light of the Radiant One, these people claim to hear her voice but their actions make them seem completely deaf. I refuse to believe The Golden Goddess Diche ever talked to this blasphemous coward, as I stood my ground to protect innocents, he ran away, like a dog, without remorse. My heart won’t hunger for revenge but it longs for the day his soul will face divine judgment.
Have these people been cut off from the world by the “fleau” for so long it has lost all sense of reality?
The more my journey goes forth, the darker it becomes. We tried our best but the forces of evil are wicked and cunning, a whole village ravaged.
They are using necromantic magic, turning people into undead that hunger for living flesh.
We tried our best, we are still young and not as experienced, but we couldn't save the town.
In a church we stood strong as a final stand, fighting off hordes of undead, trying to save as many villagers as we could, we fought valiantly, but we were overwhelmed, we had no choice but to retreat with as many innocent souls as we could.
I lost track of Loen, the fight was messy. He came close to dying. Thanks the Goddess Thanae had come with us and was able to get to him and save him.
We stumbled across a gruesome discovery in the woods near the town, someone created a tool to turn living people into undead, we fear it might have been Rufus, corrupted by the “fleau” now his soul is forfeit.
We destroyed a stone golem protecting the unholy tool, and found a goblinoid witch making sure this foul plan would come through.
We were too late, their schemes were too advanced for us to stop. I feel the heavy weight of the guilt I will have to carry from now on.
My dearest Diene, I beg of you, pray for me, pray for my friends and pray for our success.
Now more than ever I need my mother’s aid.
These are dark times and darker even are coming, my light wont flicker, but it needs to shine brighter. I won’t falter.
I worry for my friends, I hope their hearts and souls won’t be corrupted by the shadows.
The events of this day call for ample reflection and prayer. We need to grow even stronger, although we have come a long way and our powers and abilities have indeed strengthened yet we need more.
I was able, thanks to Milerion, to get my hands on a relic that holds a powerful secret that will help us tremendously in our upcoming adventures. I need to uncover its secrets.
I don’t know when you will be able to read my words dearest Diene, I hope soon. 'Till then keep praying for me, may my mother always hear you.
Take care and keep shining.