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Wed 24th Jan 2024 07:59

Elvenbleak tower

by Lucens

After what seemed like an endless battle, won by my impressive display of skill to light the beacon, the orcs retreated.
We were all exhausted and spent, yet we were overjoyed to see our efforts had paid off.
We decided to camp at the beacon for the night, it could offer some protection and everyone was too tired to try and move anywhere else.
Before nightfall, I decided to take a moment for myself. I needed some respite, I had seen so much death these past couple of days, especially losing Valor had filled my heart with some sorrow.
I found a quiet flower field amidst the trees, the flowers had an ethereal beauty to them, and some whimsy butterflies fluttered around. I decided to rest here. I took the time to cast a ritual to summon an unseen servant and together we gathered some of the flowers, they smell so good! The butterflies flutter around us now and out of a sudden they have grown in numbers, almost swarming me, one comes and lands on my forehead, my head started spinning and I think I passed out for some time when I came back to my senses all the butterflies are gone, strange but I think no more of it
I came back to my friends and we decided to rest for the night, with two elves in the party we can all sleep soundly.
As it is tradition, I wake up to dawn, to make my normal morning prayers to Diche, but something feels different, I can smell that sweet and pleasant aroma from the flowers I found yesterday, and some of the butterflies have returned and flutter around me, a bit odd but a pleasant surprise to be honest, but suddenly Amellys says to me: “Lucens, there is a unicorn-like horn protruding from your forehead!!”
I look up and I touch what it seemed, like she said, a unicorn horn on my forehead! By the goddess! What is this? Some sort of trick, spell, illusion? No! It feels real! I panic a bit and try to figure this out and I remember what happened the day before, could it be? Had I been…fey touched? Hope it comes with some magical perks.
It will take some time to get used to it but it should be fine! I kinda dig it, unicorns are celestials after all.
We decided to head out into Elvenbleak forest, the bane had cleared leaving an opportunity to travers and reach Edgewind.
Arin asked Thanael, who I had mercifully saved from death, to go back to Neverview and notify Khadlin of what we had learned and let him know the orcs were gathering under the command of an orc general called Kilkogg.
He will also put up a good word for the Cathedral and my exploits as Arin promised, I’m sure he will be so impressed and will want to meet me. I'll think about if I wanna grace him with my presence.
We traversed the forest almost uneventfully, except for some helpless drow getting owned by some orcs, that we easily defeated. I watched Edras cast the same spell yet again for the 100th time. I wonder if he is capable of casting a different spell, if any other at all. He should probably consider making a pact with a new patron, I guess that’s the price people without innate powers have to pay just to replicate a fraction of mine. Same goes for Amellys, I think she saw Edras cast that cantrip so many times she started to cast it herself, hilarious. She has gotten really good at playing her musical instrument though. Milerion hasn’t really changed much, still running around stabbing things. Simple as his mind.
I found a creek filled with bane running across the forest. I took some time to investigate and try and learn a thing or two. From what I learned, this could be the byproduct of an experiment, probably a spell that went awry. Whoever or whatever did this, must be capable of great magic, only a spell of high level could cause such effect. This worries me, considering the state of my companions, we don’t stand a chance as of right now.
We’re still learning and growing.
This got me thinking about our goals, I know I want to rid the kingdom of this infestation.
From what I know so far, it too seems to be the goal of my friends although we all have our personal quests we want to accomplish. If I am honest with myself, finding who the next king or queen of the island will be isn’t a priority to me. Does Heera’tat really need a ruler so bad? It’s been years since the tragedy at Neelam, and every city had to come up with their own way to govern itself, if anything it will be a challenge to rally everyone under one banner. Which of the twins is really up to the task to wear the crown? Does Amellys even covet such a title? So many distracting questions, as we lose time deciding who will play king many innocent people suffer and die with the bane and the monstrosities that ravage the land, maybe this is why my mother, I mean Diche sent me here, to be the light that will cleanse the kingdom from this infection. That is why I need to become stronger and more powerful, who if not us will stop this? I just hope my friends will realize and think the same.
I try to calm my mind and join my friends as we camp for the night, with the drows, which offer us some tattoos representing some lesser deity of some sort, nothing that concerns me so I obviously decline, I wouldn’t even dare. My friends of course blindly accept it, given they are unfaithful. I remain pious in my believes.
We resume our travels and come across a crossroad, we can either explore the Elvenbleak tower of the naga mages or we can head to Edgewind, but before we can make a decision a band of travelers coming from the city approach us, they are looking for one of their companions, Uron, who Milerion decided to cold-bloody kill, we had no choice but to pretend we have no idea where he could possibly be and lead them to Neverview.
If you think about it, why was Uron alone? Where were they when he needed them? He clearly did considering he found himself petrified by a basilisk in a cave, where were they to help him prevent all of this? Conveniently missing, for all I care they are just as guilty as Milerion for his death, and now they wanna find him? Too late, he was dead the moment he got petrified by that creature.
I like to believe I would do anything in my power to protect my friends and those I can, I would never let them to their own demise, if it is in my power and if the goddess wills it then I will help. So I did what I had to to protect Milerion and the others.
Regardless I still feel bad for Uron, I didn’t know him so I can’t be sure if he was a good man but I don’t wish anyone the fate he met.
We decide to press on to the tower, Edras would absolutely throw the biggest temper tantrum if we did otherwise.
He is convinced we will find useful information and whatnot at the tower, He isn’t entirely wrong although I consider going to Edgewind the better course of action, we could restock and gather information instead of blindly exploring but we might not get a chance to reach the tower in the future, so against my better judgment we go.
I turned invisible and scout ahead, everything seemed clear aside from what clearly seemed like the feeding grounds of a large beast discreetly camouflaged by a battlefield, I turned back and brought my friends. Arin decides to go underground and tells us he will remain vigilant in case we need him.
As per usual, I was right and this was indeed some sort of feeding ground for a monstrous hydra, that made its way out of the water surrounding the tower and started to attack us, not only that but my worst fears turned out real when I saw my friends in the battlefield, not having the training I had in combat, they scattered around like headless chickens, I masterfully assailed the beast with my magic, raining down scorching rays from the heavens, but Milerion being the only one trying to still stab things found himself face to face with the monster and went down which now threw Edras and Amellys who also got greatly injured into a state of panic, as they yelled to Arin for help, I couldn’t believe how inefficient we were, was I not strong enough? I knew we could slain the best but we lacked any coordination or strategy. Raw power means nothing without tactic, war is an art after all.
Like the goddess I needed to be their beacon of hope in battle, and so I called forth her aid and healed Mileron back up as well as Amellys.
As Arin came back running and yelling at us to run to the tower, Milerion, somehow, using his new found magic, incapacitated the hydra, by… making it laugh, an unorthodox method but efficient nonetheless.
And so we did, I felt so disappointed with myself, running like cowards from a fight. I felt so pitiful but I couldn’t let my friends notice. I don’t blame them for their inexperience, the fault fell on me, as a leader I should command them better.
Once inside the tower, Amellys surprised everyone casting a new spell, she created a magical hut that serves as refuge, cozy and comfortable perfect to take a long rest! Amazing!
The tower was full of magical traps as expected in a wizardly tower, but we managed. We encountered a creature that seemed immune to the one spell Edras can cast, what are the odds? Pretty meta if you ask me.
As we make our way up the tower, without finding anything helpful at all, a feeling starts growing inside of me, a feeling of this might have been a waste of time! There is nothing here like, no useful books, no treasure, nothing!
This tower is supposed to hold the supreme council of the nagas, where the most powerful members would gather and make important decisions, but most importantly where they would store powerful magic items, including the Tome of the Nagaraaja, a huge tome of around 500 pages with a black metallic cover or something like that according to what I read. Regardless, we haven't found anything so far. It is foolish of me to think we would just find anything of value just lying around waiting to be looted, I am well aware it won’t be easy finding, and by the looks of it, judging by the dead body we just found, people do come here looking for treasure. So anything worth taking is either already taken or really well hidden, which would make a lot of sense.
I’m starting to sound like Milerion, only driven by the promise of coin and riches.
My desires are less basic, power and knowledge. I've read that mages like the naga mages sometimes hide away powerful magic items, tomes filled with powerful spells and scrolls scribed with magic, I hope to find them!
Anyway we haven’t explored the entirety of the tower just yet, at least we aren’t trapped in some cheap illusion, oh wait…