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Sat 9th Dec 2023 10:42

On the path unwinding

by Lucens

After what it seemed as an eternity and a series of tragic events, there was a glimmer of hope for us when we met Arin and were able to get out of that Diche forsaken cave, I much rather forget some of the things I saw take place there.
Nevertheless, we weren't out of the woods just yet, we had to make our way to a beacon that would act as an alarm to Edgewind and hopefully Neverview too, to warn them of a new danger, an imposing Orc general commanding what might as well be a legion of orcs looking to invade Edgewind, it was imperative to me we made them aware of the lurking danger.
The ascent to the beacon was fraught with tension as we encountered a fierce skirmish between orcs and the valiant Thanae Riel. Milérion struggled to join the fray, while I wielded my mystical abilities to get rid of the archer gnolls, with great precision from a great distance, my training with Diene at the Cathedral was paying off rather well. Amellys, Edras, and Arin fought with a blend of magic and strength, holding back the relentless onslaught. The beacon's ignition, sparked by my precise magic, turned the tide, I'm sure the goddess and Diene would be quite proud of me, yet the battle raged on.
Amidst peril and orc reinforcements, a network of beacons illuminated the region, signaling our warning was heeded. As the orcs retreated, our path to Elvenbleak emerged, reigniting hope in our quest to reach Neelam.
And here I ponder, as our path unwinds before us, where it might take us next...
P.D. Arin promise to put a good word about Diche and her religion to Khadlin, I'm sure he was quite impressed by my abilities. I've heard Khadlin is quite good-looking, I wonder if I could meet him soon, maybe he will fall in love with me ♥ May the goddess will it.