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10th of Nariza

everything's comin' up demons

by Bogbean

tracking brickyfriend was unsuccessful, and only gabe us moar questions.. the red markings gabe me danger tingles, and it seems like they do the same for luna since she said she dealt with a demon thingy befores and got curzed.
soon as we got backta camps tobicat and luna and me made the plan to go see ella in da dreamscape, but all we saw was how big mr.peepers grew to be (man dat guy must eat a lot of vegebles..) and we learned how much he hates to see hiself in a mirror. i womt forget how luna sacrificed her long hair to save us outta there, it was getting big scary and tobias ‘n’ me just couldnt move anymores.. to think i was almost a peeper too eughhh makes me sick.
later at night, we was all back at da cart workin’ on projeks. drexla made v’s knife cooler, and i mades a pro-level healing potion on my first try! it made so many bubbles and smoke and thats how ya know its good. not long after, we was approached… bricky and miguel????
miguel seems ta be doing real good, said hes famous for playing the music like he showed me on the boat and has fancy clothes now. only bad thing is he still mad about my snack on him that one time.. its a real good thing i had the best healing potion evar to gib him! it made him veryy peaceful.
i couldnt know what to make of bwicky’s presence, expecially after what we found in the tent earlier. drexla was moar to the point, asking if her drawing of the demon circle we saw looked familiar. but brickyfriend knew even less than we dids, and i see so much pains in him when we ask the many questions.. i know da part of him i dont trust isnt him’s choice, but that doesnt make things any easier.
by the time miguel woke up, bricky explained how he was forced to guard miguel. getting too far from him made bricky sick, and me getting too close to miguel made bricky’s eyes change colors at me for the first times. i wondered what woulda happened if me and miguel fighted, but after his healing nap we made a truce for now – he even fed me and gabe bwicky the days off for our big fight! i was the fullest i been in maybe forever, and i slept super good.
umfortunately, i slept too good.. i was late for my meeting with hunzah! (fuck!). once i realized, i rushed off – in the wrong direction hahah.. so by the time i found her, she seemed pretty irritated by my tardiness. but tankfully she still wanted to talk. she had me tell her about hebe – how we lived and how she taught me to be a person. hunzah still seemed put off by how she left dis world, but i will always revere her choice to die.
then subject changed to saturn. hebe trained me sure, but she never let me see anything from her past life. ‘parently, saturn is historkly significant to the tabaxis – a symbol of an impotant alliance with their tribe. its so important that hunzah said im not worvy to wield it, and dat my sloppy style only disrespeks the blade.. before i could stew in the feelings that brought, hunzah lunged at me and we fought. she was tough and calculated, all da while taunting and testing me. i struggled, but thankfully i did sumting right and she saw it worth her time to train me.
i gots backta camp to meet the group before our next battle, and no one was keen on fighting eachuver.. we simply made our way into the arena.
it is announced to the crowd by the big gold chief luxydoon that our gwoup is accused of murder crimes, and now required to fight the deth. a vewy last minute and hypocwitical rule change, dhat many of us were quick to challenge.
while the argument continued, bricky noticed the chief 's smile.. said it was the sames as -his- smile. how can it be -hims- smile on someone else..? no time to think on it -- next thing we know, bricky plants the stone from his pokket into the arena by -his- command.. the stone completes a huge demon circle carved into the arena and a red glow illuminates the entire village as smoke covers the sky above.
biiiig mr. peepers appeared to descend from night sky, and shit. goes. down.. the fight begins and our gwoup managed to all find eachuver, and it honestly felt good to fight all togever again ('specially after gettin beat by a smoller mr. peepers with just tree of us).
as we took down the blood hydra, once i noticed the evil stone not far from me i knew i hadda try. if dhis stupid rock could start all dhis then maybe itll stop it too..? i braced for its heft and as i pulled up on dhe stone, it burned my hands real good. but as soon as it was outta the ground, it was cool to the touch like any normal rocks. as the ominous red glow from dhe ground began to fade and i am about to stash the rock in my bag, i see bwicky’s outstretched hand. i grab it, but not before wondering if he was aktually reaching for the rock back.. dhat thought rotted in my head and turned to guilt when he scooped me up and ran us away from the demons and towards the tobicat cart. on the way i hadda shout to Luna where the inbisible mr peeper was. i was scared for my friends to be hurt, but there was no need cuz Luna lit 'im up quick wit a bonfire, and i was relieved to hear its screams. as the gwoup caught up wit us, we hadda stop goldfuck from stealing the cart. no time for group consensus on killing him or not, so we just took him along to decide later. (i vote yuss)
apart from that, i dunno our next what or where..