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Wed 19th Apr 2023 03:14

taking part(s)

by Bogbean

team "watch the cart" did a real good job while Cat and Captain Scales were gone. all de foods were safe, even from me. instead of eating we got to talking and were learnin more about eachuver. my fren Bricky told us his plan to make new boots, so of course I gave him the leather scraps i had cuz i think my fren deserves the best shoes. he so big, i bet i could fit my whole self in a shoe like dat. Drexla was so nice and helped made him a tools kit so he can craft proper.
we also talked bout some not fun things, like how Luna's place she was from is not ok anymore. then they asked where i was from, and i toldem how i was from wolf-mom at first until she went to do a hunt but never came back. the night air seemed to get colder as i see my frien looks extra sad when i say my story, and he confess he hada kill a big wolf one time and he really didn't want it to be my momma. i don't feel so bad because i had a cat-mom too. she was more of a real momma anyway and i woulda turned out wayy different if i didn't know her. anyways, when Captain V and Mr. Cat came back to the cart they said somethin about a big dog that needs beating up in another town. i thought that sounded like so much fun so i said i could fight it as long as i got some foods to keep me going and strong, i definitely got the best part of that deal heheh.
the nex morning, our group decided to split in half and make teams for the festibal tourney cuz the winner gets to make a wish. first team was me, Bwicky, and Tobias (da cat). so the other team was Luna, Drexla, and Mr. V. we all took some time to pwepare for the fights. Luna gave me a potion to use earlier, and with her help i also brewed a withering poison just in case. Bricky used his time to make the boots he wanted, but i was surprised when he made Bogbean-sized ones! i never suspected, but my fwen noticed my shoes are different (so far when i find a better shoe i just been swapping it out). i never expected, cuz dont deserve such nice things. such time and energy spent on me. i will help pay them back by fighting good!
our fight was against 3 big luxydoons (big and lil bit scary). one of them knew Tobias and was talking real mean at him so i went in front and bit his neckmeats. that stopped him from talking. in my rage, i eated the hand off another enemy, but i didn't see til after that it was his only hand so i feel a little bad. i didn't even plan to do that, but maybe this hasta do with the "self-control" Hebe used to talk about.. the rest of the match was good except Bricky and me got on opposite ends of the field and i couldnt help him from getting knocked out. im glad we won but its more important to me to know that Bricky will be ok.
the other team also won their match yayy! i didn't see nothin, cuz there was a lotta smoke but it's ok cuz they won and only V got hurt. after that we got to regroup and Tobias helped Bricky to wake up finally, and when that happened he made a "zap" sound.. bigger than the ones i sometimes hear when we walk together. he seems ok, but ima stay close to protec him.
something already didn't feel back to normal still, and then it got worse -- peoples in dark robes came through and i sensed only bad things from them. they had posters with silly drawings of Drexla on them, but i lied when they asked and said i dunno who that is. they feel very scary, and more keep coming so i thinks we should be ready to take the group and run if we gotta.