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13th of Belis

V's verdict and a surprise invitation

by Bogbean

da first days after battle, Bricky n me wanna help rebuild so Fort Irrigan stays sicher n togevver (‘specially after all da shit we went through ta save it, hah). all the while, my efficient frien Bricky is also trying ta learn me his ‘mnarian language. but in all da languages i know, i never heard what de verficken a “grammar” is. still, i thinks im doin an otay job.
sometimes, i miss watching Hebe’s experienced hands werk day in, day out. but I feels her memory as i werk alongside all da townspepol n listen to Bricky’s techmical explanashons. my heart is warm (n brow sweaty) as we steadily get deez walls built back up!
finally dis afternoon is der trial fer our pirate frends. we had da mornin to eat brekfass n prepare, since we’re all ‘ssociated wif mr.v n must also attend. Drexla returns to de inn, feels liek i havent seen her in so longg! shes been real busy wif her latest projeck, a robet named Atom. she activates it, shows us how she uses liek a suit of armor (wAOH! and he had hims own will? how?? amazing) Drexla says her son takes after her papa, which is so bery sweet but some liek Luna finds it kinda creepy. maybe he’ll grow on her in tiem~
right befoar being summoned by a whole squad o’ guards, Luna got on Ede fer talkin about murdar which to be fair isnt real smart right now.. Bwicky was prickled, thinkin Luna maybe wasnt respekful of Ede’s personhood. (pepol can still be blabbermoufs..) wif all dis in mind we decide to leave her at da inn, wif instruction ta shush til we get back. our path thru da inn was lined wif guards. some cursed Captain V as we passed, others wished Tobias luck n safety fer all hims help healin n feedin those in need.
dere is a growing crowd outside, as we wait fer commander Brightshield to begin. she’s got the shiniest, heaviest lookin armor i ever seen, wif lotsa winding tree symbols. (my chair is so groß i hafta kneel ta see anythin past da table) but even Brightshield isnt as sparkling as all da offerings left fer dat guy V killed. everyone must miss him, ‘specially when compared to Drexla’s old boss whoz seat is bare.
us Twavellers choose Tobias to speak fer us, since he’s the most responsible. questioning goes as well as we could ‘spect – V deals non-ansers n Drexla proudly states her reasons fer what she did. Luna righteouswy stands up n pleads fer da rest of us not receive punishment, but the decision seems ta been made. Brightshield n Highbloom talk in private fer a while, n return ta declare us all exiled from Fort Irrigan. murmurs from da crowd stand out to me, lotsa pepol say even tho we defended dem maybe we brought danger wif us in da furst place.. not to mention da murders of important pepols. we were even warned that dis COG organization will seek deir own vengeance fer Drexla’s boss. (those are the same guys who cuts up my kin, right? great..)
outside we are met wif Ede n Torvas, wif da wagon n all our stuff from da inn tossed inside. its not all bad – some of the dispersin townsfolk wave us off, wishing us luck. Tobias receives a gift from Highbloom, a book!
we have some tiem befoar sundown, so most of us plan one last shop-n-forage trip. but befoar we can set out, a loud ‘xplosion is heard from Capt’n V’s ship! Tobias doesn’t let der fuer blaze fer long, casts water on it. but a whole half of da materials v was hauling got ruined. (i jumped on da chance ta help Golkir dig thru da mess n toss da charred junk!) the crew’s demeanor changes as V passes around a note delivered to hims moments befoar, from the guy who did dis. V sighs, n ‘splains da situation after a push from Golkir:
some Captn Silvertongue seeks revenge on V for poisoning him, inviting hims crew to fight da 200-strong Wyvern’s Guard atta place called Zendra Cove. dis guy killed all da families of V’s crew, which is why dey poisoned him in da first place n thought he was dead up til now. (guess we’ll help make sure he’s dead dis tiem? we’re goin on da boat after all, tho we’re in no shape ta go straight into anovver fight. 200 ‘xperienced pirates is a lottttt diff’rent than a horde of dummy chimera.. but there will hopefully be better spoils to grab off ‘em after~ heheh)
we do our last-chance gatherin n shoppin, n hear a distant scream from Bloodhook (he wasnt there fer the ‘xplosion, we’re soooo lucky we’re not there ta deal wif dat tantrum!) Luna points us to der alchemist’s shop, n Brickyfreun is so nice as to pay fer my magik ink! in return i helps him craft a sturdy saddle for Tobias n Torvas after we get back n i help hoist da wagon back onto the ship wif drexla’s guidance. is not long befoar da boat starts creaking against da waves, making its way outta port. der crew is still feelin serious, mostly silent n focused on shipwerk. the sonne is high enuff fer us ta see a smol crowd gathered n waving, even as we get further from the docks. a few archers even set off some colored pops of light up into da sunset sky, lookin so pretty reflected over da water.
it really isnt all bad.. i shove my hat in my bag n shake my hair outta its braid, letting da sea breeze flow thru it.
we’ve made a good ways down da coastline, n Tobias’ feast is finally done!!! he was werking on it a while, during which Bloodhook made a fancy tea party. Drexla’s cup was as big as she was.. n she used it to her ‘vantage by takin a baff! (in fronna everyone hah! im sorta jealous, i already miss hot bafhs T_T)
talks over dimner turn into a plan ta find V’s old girlfren through hims dreams. Luna n i stay behind cuz dis tiem Tobicat takes Drexla n V. Luna n me make a face at eachovver,, not knowin how ta feel as we realize our whole actual bodies was goin into der dreamscape dis whole tiem. i thought we jus fell asleep liek normal!
da group return shortly n tell us of deir success, but as Tobicat spills moar details Luna is incensed n tearing into V fer abandoning dis lady. in a way der sound of my freunde bickering is starting ta feel comforting (but dis topic is new n diff’rent.. im hearing lotsa new terms liek “celibate,” “pull-out,” n “take another”.. i wumder what it could all mean. what da hells did V do to dis poor girl??)
later dat night, (after begging fer a last shnack from Tobicat,) i make my way below deck. i crawl into a hammock, n tell my goodnights to everyone. im relieved not to be trapped at da Fort anymoar, belly full, n among friends, but fer some reason..
i dont slep well at all dis night.