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Thu 14th Sep 2023 03:01

big impotant stuff at da kenku tempol

by Bogbean

travel became sortsa quiet after passing da murdercart wreckage, maybe sos we can listen if we wills be next.. drexla espeshally seems off-put by sumthin, she been spending lotsa alone time in her tent. maybe shes just workin hard on sum speshul contrapshun?
bricky makes conbersation wif me n da captain. mr.v as usual dont say much, so i tease about his secret name instead. v says he has lotsa reasons ta keep his name a secwet. i dunno, sounds compicated.
as bwicky and i move ta talks ta tobias and luna, he whispers, “can you keep a secret?” and i giggle, “...mayyybeeee >:3c” and wow wow he tells me cap’n v’s name!! hehehehehheee i wuv knowin tings im not s’posed ta!
when we gotsta da front next ta luna, she is so nice ta ask me if i honger.. but just hearing dat word musta activated my tummy. all a sudden my belly was mad grumbling.
luna says “miguel food!” (him what?)
so i go ta hims bunk (no ones stopping me, did dey really change da no-eat rules??) i find miguel sleeping, and try ta wake hims up but my hands just go through?? even all his stuff is not real, and i made sure ta try touching eberytinggg. weird. i want ta tell da others about dis, but im already so confused, and soon i can only tinks about how much my tummy hurts..
(sniff,, sniiffff,, fuck dat smells good. waht is dat? shniiifffffff,, ah who cares?! gotta finds it, gotta eat dat shmell! right now right now!!)
man whatever dat was, it was filling.. i vaguely ‘member eating, and now wakin up over bricky’s shoulder feelin like a whole sac o potatoes..
dey already saw miguel was gone, but decided its better ta leave him be and keep movin toward yook-teeha village. ya cuz dis way he doesnt get ta boss bwicky around and das good. but he was always free ta leave, so why he make dat illusion for us? hims up ta sometin else fer sure..
as we trabel further, i start to shmell meat cookin. but da closer we gets, da meat is overpowered by other rancid, mangey typa shmells.. (just like dat fucked up wagon we found!)
luna sees where dey are by da shmoke in da sky, and sends her kittyfriend ta scout ahead. its definitey da dawgs lady keknu said about! dey’ve made a camp in sum old ruins here, blood in puddles everywhere (super gross, and wasteful too.) we knows itll make da kenkus happy ta kill em, so we plans ta attack!
da plan goes just otay. liek we tried ta sneak up on dems first, but barely touching a wall made it collapse ((oops)) its ok cuz we still killed em good. i ran ahead and only got bit a few times. afterword, luna asked me ta carve off some ears and a head ta show lady kree (im so happy she asks me, its so fun). but da weird part was deez dawgs had differen eyes from eachuver,, and under da scraggly fur was feathers and junk?? i step back so woona and tobicat can test why deyr liek dat.. an turns out dey was all transformed into deez creatures without magiks. luna fears dey are all used ta be people from arknoka..
tankfully i had time after all da killin ta fix bwicky’s backwords arm, as he also got an arrow wound from a dawg just now. i made sure we was away from da ruins while woona cleansed dem wif fire (fire is super scary for my frien. close yer eyes, bricky!)
after we all situate back on da wagon, mr.v notices lil stone figures of ms kree dancing hims in da right direcshun.. and all a sudden we has a super smooth road ta walk on! i never seen anything liek dis, but da road leads us down ta what looks liek a cave but its… a big rock of lady kree’s face??! so da face cave swallows us, and we find ourselves in an underground city of rock n dirt. we still seems ta be moving too – da whole dome is! (dis lady’s earf powers are crazy big.. i hopes shes a frien and not a emeny.)
lady kree appears, greets mr. v, and takes da egg we found. leaves us wif her grandbirdy pipp whos gonna guide us ta da tempol where we can talks all private. pipp was same size as me, and only a year younger. as we passed other young kenku, dey was yellin teases and callin her “squeak”. i guess even if yous gonna be da chief someday, being alone makes you a target.. i wonders if we can help pipp somehow, liek convince lady kree ta chill out on over protecting her? i dont tink beating up her bullies will do much. back home, fighting back just made dem moar right abouts me.. so deres gotsta be another way.
pipp is so sheltered, cousin was da first horse she ever saw! bogbean feels so worldly now dat she isnt da only one doin tings da first time hehehh. maybe we see pipp again, but we are soon at da voiceless tempol. she stays wif cousin and da cart as we go on and enter..
da tempol is beautiful, it resembles a fighting arena wif two massive statues inside – a kenku lady and a leonin man shaking hands wif eachuver. dere is also a stone tree in da middles of dem. i notice dat luna is very still, locked on the statues. i tug on her robe wif no response, den i look up and see only da whites of her eyes.. shes getting another memory back! she says she knew da statue peoples, liek personally for reals knew dem - how dis be?
before all da big impotant questions i know woona and tobias has for miss lady kree, i wanted to ask about da demon rock. i was gonna leave bricky outs of it, but da rest of da group was very forthright about his role wif da demon circle and arknoka.. ah well.
i takes da rock outta my bag ta show her, and already sumting is weird – she cant move it liek she can all da other earf around us. dis means da rock is from a whole other place, but we dunno where.. i tinks bwicky knows, but like most tings he isnt allowed ta say ta us. da insubordinashun of da evil rock is very offputting to kree, sos i puts it away fer now.
lady kree den tells about da knoll dawgs, how many dere are near and how dey been comin and goin in waves. da eelfolk have also been attacked, sos we should maybe help dem too. but its bigger den dat, as she turns ta tobias and tells da story of da statues (her and tobias’ great grandpawents) lady rook, fist of da mountain (fuckin metal name), and tra’jan shadowmane, who fought and created da first pact ta unite da miryns a wayyyy long time ago. she says tobias gotsta unite all da tribes again, and she pledges hers as da first.
lunas memories take hold of her again – one moment shes frozen and da next shes catching her breaf. she tells us how she was dere when fist of da mountain died?! she believes da shadowmanes were betrayed, and someones else was da real bad guy. and now somehows she knows dere is someting speshul in da tree. so lady kree uses her power ta pull forf……a lightnin stone, liek da one in arknoka! after kree, tobicat, and v touches it, it keeps deirr mark on it. i also tries ta touch it, but i guess im too diffren from da myrin so it dont want my print on it. das otay.. (is why nothin happened when da knoll bites me, just da miryn)
anovver ting came out wif da rock – a spherical lanturn wif shiny spinny trappings around it. woona takes it in her hands, and again receives a mem’ry. dis one makes her cwy,,
is a strange atmosphere when we leave da tempol fer da night and wander ta da rooms lady kree awanged fer us (everyone ‘cept cap’n v, who maybe has a speshul room somewheres else?). deres a lot ta tinks about, but we also is hekka tired from traveling and dis is da nicest room i ever been to~
i follows bricky ta his room, i finds da shmelly tings in da baffroom, and take all da fancy paints before leaving ta pocket da ones from my baffroom too heheheh. mr v is still just kindsa hangin out, so i asks him why he gotsta be so secretive? he might has moar friens if he let peoples help him. (i werked out da maffs, hes liek 80% lies right now). and i didnt tink he was gonna….but mr v told me hims name! i will be sure ta adjust hims diagwam ta 75% lies. its nice ta leave off on a positive note before bedtimes.
in da mornin, we all gather fer breakfast and notice dat a room fer mr. v had appeared overnight.. (but da name on it are “pirate prince” bahahahaha.) and woah bricky shmells da best he ever has (its liek an extra layer of chemical perfume over da dead stuff, but it do help). its been a long time since i could gets all da dirt and twigs from my hair too, it feels amazinggg.
we all seem ta be lookin our best right now, as we wait ta see what dis day has in stoar fer us.