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Mon 13th Mar 2023 03:59

met some people and they didn't drug or kidnap me! a new record

by Bogbean

luckyyyy finally found some food! i found a scaley guy in a box like the one i was in, and even tho he said he saw the grinning man.. idk i was just too hungy. that guy only plays sad music now, but the good thing is i can finally think straight on a full belly. im pretty sure the blue scaley boat guy knows the man too, but i have a better chance of finding and tearing that hume up if i just go along with this "delivery".
OHyeah annnd i found another guy in a box. at first it was just a head, and he smelled dead -- uhm, i guess he still does.. -- but he talked to me! i stitched him back to his body and then he got real big. good thing tho, because he protected me a lot! first nice person ive met since leaving home, or more like the second one in all my 8 years. anyways, we're fwends now. i get the sense that hes like me and doesnt have nowhere to go, so for now maybe we'll go nowhere together.
the other peoples in our caraban are sorta nice, but i dont have a full read on any of them yet.
there was a big cat, kinda like the MoonBright women but darker and bigger. i think shes a boy cat. they let me and my frien Bricky slep outside their cart, yayyehheheh.
there was also a pretty lady who likes me a lot, which isn't bad but im not used to the attention. she told me her name is Luna, and she says she knows what a bogbean really is, so that has my interest.
i didnt get a very good look at the other person, because she's even smaller than me! she's very shiny, and she sounds like she knows a whole lot of many things. she looks at Luna the same way Luna looks at me sometimes.
ok well, lets hope im not letting the boat guy deliver me to a bad thing. we have 2 weeks of nothin to do besides look for plants and play in the sand, so ill bide my time.