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1st of Blis

on the boat again..

by Bogbean

as we leave da harbor, da ocean gets bigger.. big as when i first saw it after breaking outta dhis same boat. feels weird ta be back, but i also has moar friens now ta help if i do finds trouble, so is otay.
speaking of..
so dhat guy drexla skewered in da watur was a fellow cwewmate liek we thought, as we could hear bofa dhem plus da first mate golkir all yellin at eachuver. bwicky said dhat must mean dhey gonna handle it, so he stayed playing patty cakes wifh me (damn why he’s so good at dhis game). but…da yellin turned inta screamin,, n i just hadta see whut made dhat dude so angy for maself. well, once i sees around da corner its drexla.. aboutta get eated?! didnt no one tell ‘em dhat crew is off limits?? even i knows dhat. in da end cap’n v swung in ta diffuse da situation, but left no one at da wheel so getting back on course took some sickly sudden maneuvers. (not da cool-sick, liek sea-sick).
after tings calm down, da group settles in differen areas of da ship since we gots 2 whole weeks before we get ta da next land we wanna be at. luna and tobias spent a lotta time in da cart togevver pwacticing magicks or someting. bwicky trades some of his shiny tings wifh drexla, and dhen makes cousin horse a cute new saddle bag in his signature thicc-thredd style. drexla is so nice ta use some of her new shiny orbies ta make my weapons better! saturn is now able ta hurt non-living tings, and now i has a bracelet dhat can bring my scythe back when i gotta throw it. she musta seen how frustrating it was fer me when i couldnt slash at mr.peepers, but now we is prepared heheh. when i got to show bricky my new features, he said dhey was cool but his eyes looked moar worried dhan excited..
i used my travel time ta tan da 3 hides i got, and sheesh i barely had enuff piss to soak em.. next time i might havta ask my new friens ta pitch in, since i wanna use dhis leather to helps dhem as we travel togevver. i also brewed some potions, and dhey look even better and moar sparkly dhan da one i made fer miguel in arnknoka woo!
after crafting, i still had time ta be bored so i found maself thinking about dhat angy red eelfolk dude. he’s a crewmate who goes by “blood hook”, which makes lots of sense when you sees him. it was so funny how he cares about dhis boat like his baby, so my new goal is ta tag my name wifout him knowin hehehehehehee.
first attempt: fail. drexla found me before i could eben touch my claw to da wood, booo. dhey did have a team meeting earlier dhat day, so i knows drexla is just being a good crew membur. (will be all da moar satisfying when i can get my mark past all o’ dem hahahaa.)
all da fun was interrupted by,, ginormous flying orca whales??! do all ocean aminals fly on magick water?! dhats fuckim scary, …but …maybe magick aminals taste different dhan normal ones? i channel dhat fear and curiosity into my mouf, thinking i can eat my way through dis fight. i jumped at the first whale i sees, but overestimate my jump and end up on tops of it,, and its skin is too swippery even ta bite into. da whale dhen rises even higher into da air above da boat, bucks me off its back and face-first onto the deck. ((fucking ouch))
im not down for long, as i soon felt familiar cold hands put me back on my feet. i can barely get my bearings before dhose same hands shove me away from da vast shadow of da whale who is also falling.. and at da last second i sees bricky’s green eye glinting before he is completely crushed outta view.
i dunno if my eyes can glow like bwicky’s, but after dhat all i felt liek was RED. deez whales are PISSIN ME OFFS and KILLIN MA FWENDS what da FICK! luna was da only one able ta wield her angers tho, and was able ta hold da last whale for drexla ta finish off. da job wasnt ober tho, since bwicky was still stuck under da first whale carcass. tobicat and me did our best to lift da body, but we couldnt sustain such a load fer long. luna and drexla was able to pull bricky out (and separately, his arm..) but luna couldn’t clear it in time and her legs got smashed! dhis is not da best day fer us.. and poor Luna was already havin a bad vacashun.
tobicat helped luna splint her leggys all nice so we expect her ta heal real good and fast, thank gods. i did my best ta reattach bwicky’s arm, but it was hard ta tell how it went while his body was still so mangled.. so fer now tobias and i take luna and bwicky downstairs ta da bunks ta keeps dhem safe. after he had some times to rest and wakes up, we sees hims arm,,, is backwurd!s!f?f!ffffuckk i fucked uuupppp! i wants to fix it fer hims, but he doesnt seem to mind? he resumes as normal, eben thanking me fer stopping his black sludgey liquids from leaking out da backwurds arm. i dont deserve no presents for such shoddy werk, but he gibs me one of da weird glow globes he made (a yellow one). bricky says he doesnt need lincoln anymores, so i assumes dhis is da voice dhat was living in his head after he fought Lincoln fer stealing da cart? i wonder how he makes dhat, and how in da world is a bogbean suppose ta use dhis.. maybe i eat it? Ill think on it, but fer now i keep it in my bag wifh da rest o’ my stuffs.
since bwicky and luna were started to feel better, i went back up to da deck. i can handles goind down dhere fer what i gotta do, but i pwefer staying out in da open (da rooms of da ship sometimes feel like big boxes). bwicky followed me up, just in time ta join in da combersation about how ta get da 2 dead whales offa da boat. bwicky asks us ta secure da horse and hold onto someting, and tobias has no time ta talk hims into a different plan as bricky takes one of his glowy thingies and puts it in da dead whale. fer a second, i can see one of bricky’s eyes turn off while one of da whale’s eyes turns on before it rolls itself offa da boat – da counterbalance hurls tobicat, cousin horse, and cap’n V into da sea! V is a super good swimmer so he was able to maneuver da ropes needed ta secure and rescue dhems pretty quick. its kinda cool ta see hims zoom around da ship, ‘specially since da better he does da worse his luck gets somehow. i never saw more lightning strikes in my life, and now i sees dhem almost ebry day!
after a time, we finally sees land! Mr. V says da mountains is close and bery suddenly finds us a place ta stop da boat (or maybe da spot found hims hahah~)
next we hadsta take da cart and horse off da boat, a problem dwexla already thought of! she built a hidden rope syshtem into da boat sos da cart can be easily lifted frum now on. i was busy chasing a floating meat bun, ‘til i realized how it was part of dwexla’s cart-pulley game! winnerrrr!
after i won anovver meat bun putting da horse off da boat, i offered ta cawwy luna down wifh me. she couldnt bear ta keep ‘er eyes open, but we was bofh relieved i got ‘er down safely hehee.
now dhat we hads eberyting we needed, da group set out toward da kenku billage. not long into our trek dhere is rustling coming frum da cart.. and we find fumckin miguel inside, scarfing down all da food!! he proudly tells us he ate a weeks wurfa breakfast, and just as da desire ta kill ‘im for it cwossed my mind he scitters onta bricky’s shoulders ffffffffhhh,,, maybe anovver time. dheres gotta be a way.. bwicky distracts my murder-thoughts when he poofs miguel’s magick chair away, and da thump sound he made on da ground was too funny. dhat was my chance to steal his spot!
da trail through da forest was long and each turn bent around a large boulder. we didnt have ta travel very far ‘til we found a busted wagon in our path. da area was greusome and bloody, but all da bones was picked clean? bricky leaves me at da cart ta go investigate da weckage. he comes back wifh a tuft of fur dhat smells like a rotten death.. once i shmell it i realize its everywhere in dhis forest. da wagon had da entire middle section torn through, so dhis creatures gotta be big. drexla also inshpected da fur, and through her goggles saw demonic emnergy coming from it. is da were-dawg da kenku told tobicat about also a demon like in arnknoka?? it doesnt make all the sense yet, so we gotsta keep goin and make due. some of da group scavenge da wagon, bricky gots some spare parts for da cart and drexla found an egg as big as her! she was quick ta tell me it was off limits to eat, so ill be content ta be curious about when itll hatch. luna is already in bed fer her poor feets, so shes gonna keep da egg warm in da cart while we travel. only one moar week ‘til we reach da kenku place now! bwiky always lets me win when miguel wants ta fight fer da seat on his shoulder, so i tink its gonna be a fun trip hehe