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Wed 24th Jul 2024 05:21

Hunter and Prey

by Zylah Burwitz

Phew... I wasn’t sure I was going to mack it to rite this down. So here it goes....
We headded towards the locked door that leads to the hammer. The guards were less than uplifting as they opened the door. As we enter all light seems to be sucked away. I keep a head of the group in the shadows as I am the most adept to this environment.
My hunting skills are at their best in the dark when I don’t need to rely on my vision. I begrudgingly agree to having a rope tied around my waist as I lead the group along the perimeter of the room.
It is surpriseing empty except for a skelaton with a hamer layed on their chest. Manon is able to use her smarts/magic to tell us it is likely some sort of portal. Kaylon did something I did not ever imagine was possible. She was able to talk to the dead! Her eyes glowed and the skelaton sat up and talked back to her. It is aparent that he has been ded a long time and was going to deliver the hammer to the Klar Klan.
I am trying hard to be part of the group so resist every urge to just grab the hammer as every one debates what to do. Just as I’m about to reach my hand out it is agreed that we lock arms then touch the hammer. As soon as I see every one is touching, I grab the hammer before anyone can change their mind.
The room is the same but filled with shadows. I feel this heavyness that is pressing against me but I am able to shake it off keeping my thoughts on our goal. Get the hammer, make a dragon lance and kill Takhsis (easy enough, right).
I look around and some of CotBT seem to be having a harder time shaking off this feeling. A beast erupts from Kaylon. I step into the shadows in case more follow and give it everything I have. I hit it and disappears back into the shadows.
We leave the room and as we walk I look around for any hit of those who have come before and look up to see a giant tower. That is where I lead the group.
More beasts erupt from Kaylon. She is not doing well is the world void of color and happpiness. Hopefully we can find what we need quickly and return to our world.
We arrive at the tower. Bo politely knocks as I’m right behind pushing the door open. To find a man absorbing the shadows.
I lock my bow and prepare to fire…….
As I reach back to grab an arrow, I grasp air. I look to my side and see Bo glaring at me and shaking her head with my arrows in her hand. Furious I stand down so we can “talk” to this wizard in the shadows (Looking back she should have just let me end it there, if only she and everyone else would trust me more).
Aparently, the wizards name is Jordan. He appeers nice enough upon first talking, gives some snacks to those affectred by the dread. Provides Bo with a life supply of food and encourages us to explore. He is also oddly alone here and has been here for a long time.
After a rest to get everyone back in tip top shape, we decided to explore and see if we could find anything useful. The snacks appear to affect people’s perception of things as only some of us could see the floating letters on the page. I wonder what he has been up to. Especially with that magically locked desk.
We made it to the top and find Jordan and a bunch of glowing symbols that appear to make the house run. I don’t think I’ll ever be comfortable around this magic shit. Just let things be as they are. He offers to help us with information about the hammer if Manon assists him with his project.
While none of us felt it was a good idea to leave Manon, he all but threatened us. Hoping to keep things amicable we left. As soon as we closed the door it disappaered and the room filled with smoke. I made it up to Manon and was immediately trapped by some black tentacles.
Shaken by the sudden change, it took me a bit to gather myself. I feel the warmth of blood dripping down my legs from another hit from the tentacles which hones in my focus. Once free I gave chase to Jordan, this time I will get my shot off! I envisoned being home and navigating the woods hunting dinner as I charged down the different layers through smoke, webs and more tentacles. Easy game! I opened the front door and felt a blast of heat.
I hesitated as I was having trouble standing up due to my wounds never mind going through fire. I closed the door and looked at Kaylon asking if she had any magic or ideas to combate this fire wall. If she did not have a salution then I was ready to jump through knowing it might be the end of me but i would not stop in my pursuit. He had the means to the hammer and the hammer is crucial in our fight against Takhisis.
She tells me that she is unable to help with the fire, but I see her work her magic and most of my injuires heal and the blood stops dripping down my leg.
Feeling renewed, I take a running jump through the fire. I feel my skin start to singe and burn but make it through. I look square in Jordan’s dark evil eyes. As I lock onto my prey and prepare my acid arrow, I feel this force press against me. Attempting to send me back through the flames. I will not fail. I will not let CotBT down. I will not let Tristan down. I WILL NOT BE MOVED!
I let my arrows fly. He is quick but not quick enough for most of my arrows, blood and acid soaking his robes. He looks hurt but before I can grab more arrows, he vanishes. Jordan, you will regret the day you met CotBT!
The flames disappeer and I rush back into the house to find Bo. I find her beaming with pride at the dragon metal she found!
We find the orb of the souls Jordan has been useing to stay alive. Madlyn and Bo deside to stay behinde to attempt to free the souls. I admire Bo and her willingness to die for others she doesn’t even know. I here a loud explosion, run into the building and find Bo covered in dirt and blood. Barely able to move. I quickly use the little healing power I have to get her upright.
We head back to the portal. I am eager to leave this place and as I reach out to grab the hammer remember how last time we locked arms. I wait with hand just above the hammer as we all link then quickly grab the hammer.
We are transported back. The guards seem confused that we are back so soon and Norduc has barely made it away from the door when we catch up to him.
Now I am resting in his house about to sleep before heading to the council meeting tomorow.