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Wed 18th Sep 2024 11:50


by Zylah Burwitz

We parked the airship by the place our groop began, that nicely shapped booty tree. Then I snuck into the outskirts of Lemish to Madlyn’s house. It was easy enough to get there as I only saw 1 guard and he was definitely not the top of his class. It appeared that someone was living in Madlyn’s house. I thought about entering but I heard Bo’s voice in my head telling me to come back and get the group.
I love watching Madlyn work. The way she interrogated Alec was just impressive. Even tho I think tying him to the bed made his day better not worse.
We all got to meet Arthur. I’m so happy Madlyn got to see him again and know he is still alive.
Arthur says that others will join him when he says it’s time to revolt and helps us get to the tower.
I feel for Manon and Kaylon as we return. I remeber how I felt when we returned to Heckle. Unfortunately we don’t have the time to mourn their losses. I find Grandpa Mary’s journal. It talks about a red haired woman named Fury who was after Grandpa Mary. Growing up Bo and I were the only red haired girls in Heckle and now I feel like us red heads are everywhere.
We enter the dragon layer. There is no keeper watching the dragons and all but one have died. Bo and others work furiously to take off the scales of the one dragon left while i search the layer for any clues. I find eggs but many are missing.
Kivone wakes up and anger flows through him as he looks around at the death surrounding him. I know his anger I still feel that anger.
He takes off to destroy the green dragon. We follow and are met by Damian and some of his minions. Damian, the one responsible for Thersha and Grandpa Mary’s death. I focus on him, running past all his minions. I hook my arrow and let it fly but then I see him open a portal and hear the grunts from Madlyn as my arrow strikes her in the back. How could that be? I hope she forgives me as I had no idea that would happen.
As we finish off Damian, we hear a crash and the gold dragons is flung into the room clearly hurt but so is the green dragon it was fighting when out of the sky a second dragon emerges.
We must help the gold dragon and these green dragons must perish! CotBT was able to help take both green dragons down. Thanks to Manon’s “wall” and Kaylon’s blessings that protected us from the poison.
As the last green dragon was almost down he took off in flight. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Bo leep onto the gold dragon!!! I know she is loving every minute of it but I am terrified for her life! I can’t lose her to! But as always she is victorious and can now bear the title of Bo-dragon rider. Much better than Bo-pig rider.
With the battle over, we all regain ourselves. Only alive because CotBT works as a team with Manon trapping the dragons, Kaylon protecting us, Bo, Laina, and Madlyn taking the brunt of the damage and dealing damage. While i know we have our differences, I do trust them with my life.
Kivone starts spewing fire all around the city so I take off on Bo’s back to stop him from killing the innocent. I understand his anger but there are better ways. He tells us to gather up all the traitors. There are so many of them. So many willing to betray those that had protected them for so long.
I will not stop Kivone from obtaining his revenge and assist the guards in rounding up the traitors. Others in my group try to dissuade him, I almost stop them knowing that Kivone needs this. That he needs them to pay for the death of his friends so he can start to live without them. Just as no one will dissuade me from kiling Takhisis or any of her followers. I will do what Kivone needs of me to extinguish the burning pain inside him. I don't understand how Bo can try to change his mind. She should understand. Does she not have that same pain inside her? Would she not do the same to avenge Heckle? Dad? Tristan? What if we find mom dead?
I am satisfied that Kivone was able to have the revenge he needed and hope he will be able to come to our aide when it is time to take our revenge.

After a much needed rest, we go to a place that Kaylon has not spoken of. A woman she referred to as mom and man come down the stairs. I can feel the evil radiating from him. The woman does not speak as a mom should to her daughter. My heart aches for Kaylon. The conversation becomes very intense and for a few moments i thought Kaylon was going to kill this man in cold blood. Instead she just made him pay for what he did to Thersha and everyone else he influenced. As we were leaveing I made sure to stomp extra hard to leave lots of dirt and mud trails on his nice marble floors.
I hope Kaylon got the ending she needed!
We head back to the airship. And now are on our way to Kalaman. I am hopeful we can find more out about mom there. Also Madlyn had a vision that they are in trouble.