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Mon 8th Apr 2024 11:55

For you my Bear

by Zylah Burwitz

I will be bettter, be stronger. Evry night wile some meditate, I will be shootting those arrows until my fingers bleed.
We make it to the spot Myza found. I guess I will take this desert over the walls of a city. As we are digging Manon alerts us to a disturbance. I will take down these scorpeeons with this amazing new Cobra bow that Madalyn and Laina got for me. That cuppled with my acid arrows crafted by Bo and Kaylan will help destroy these scorpions but damn to they hit hard. That hurts. So thankfull I have smart people in my new “family” that figured out the way out of this fight we were clearing not going to win. Down the sand vortex we go.
We land at the bottom of the vortex and first thing I do is look over to Bo as the last thing I remember is her getting hit by those scorpeeons. She looks hurt bad. So many thoughts racing through my head, I can’t loose Bo too. I rush over and heal some of Bo’s wounds. Guess this magic stuff’s not all bad. While I’m no healer like Kaylan, I think it will get Bo back on her feet.
As we all shake off the sand, we are greeted by Gileon (more about him later). He informs us that the scorpeeons were one of the trials he has for us. The next involved learning something from this massage old library. Definitely does not sound like a fun time but here we are trying to “appease” a god again. *giant eye roll*
Bo oddly did not want me to come with her but I didn’t want to pri. Later she tells me all about mom’s clothes and how she is from a place called Kalaman and she was wellthy. Why would she be so far from home, and a lowly farmer barely able to make ends meet? Things just don’t make sense. I feel as tho Bo and I need to visit this city (UGH) to try to find out more.
I learned that back when this library was above ground there were gigantic animals that roamed the grasslands. Unfortunately no beneficial information regarding animals we may encounter or how to trap magical beasts. I also studied a map from before the cataclysm. My did the map change since the mountain was thrown. Gods sure do have some tempers.
Since I had never even heard of an airship prior to Myza, I decided I should learn a little bit about it. I read an instruction manual so that I am ready to help fly this airship Myza is going to find. Myza thinks I don’t know anything, but I read the book. At least she agreed I could help her navigate. Myza will have to sleep at some point then I can prove I can fly the ship. Just like I steered those horses.
After we pass this learning trial, Gileon gives us some more info. I really don’t understand these gods. They appeare to be sooooooooo powerful yet let aweful things happen even to those that serve them like their champeeons. Quite honestely, life was better before all these gods came back and began meddeling agin.
But here we are (audible sigh), going on a mission for the gods.
Thestral finally was able to reveal his true form!!!!!!!! He is a beautiful gold dragon. I definitely like this version of him better than his “gerbil” form. And apparently he is integral to us completing our next missions.
But first we will restore this land to the beuty that it once was. I can’t wait for this sand to turn to grass!
-all for you my Bear-