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Wed 1st May 2024 06:30


by Zylah Burwitz

Now that we have restored Tarsis to it’s past beuty with grass and trees to come soon, no longer a barron dessert city. We are off to find this airship, find som dragons so we can kill Takhisis and hopfulli find Mom alive.
Myza seemed to know the way and seemed right. We left the safety of Tarsis wether and it becam very hot. I new this trip and our jurnee to come was not going to be ezee, so tryed to confence Bo to leave Steve in the care of the people of Tarsis. But she was not haveing it. I even tried to talk to Steve to see what he thought, and while he did not understand what he was agreeing to, said he wanted to stay with Bo. So I let them be. I wish Bo would have listened to me. I knew this journey would be ruff and no place for a horse. She always thinks she knows best. But I was right and Steve should have stayed behind. I hope he was able to make it back to Tarsis. I wish she would trust me.
I’m used to being outside but damn that sun was brutal. But sure as Myza said, the mountain became a canyun.
Side note written in the margins:
Steve has never seen a horse with a horn so no Unicorns around where he is from (sorry Kaylon, I will find you a unicorn). Also, Steve now wants his own horn.
As we headded towards the ship, Takhisis apears. As soon as I saw her, I loaded my bow and fired, drowning out any words from my comrades. The bitch didn’t even show up in the flesh, my arrow went right threw. What a coward!
(this paragraph blurry with tear stains with shaky handwriting)
She tried to downplay what happened in Heckle saying it was an accident. That type of carnage does not happen on accident. She twists her words to justify her evil. After her dismissal of Heckle, i could not focus on anything else but seeing one of my arrows threw her neck.
Takhisis is very focused on Manon and keeps tring to get her to join her, I wonder why? I will not hesitate to kill anyone who gets in my way to kill Takhisis. Seems like Manon is resisting the temptation of power for now. I am just becoming more comfortable with her magic as she uses it for good, but what if she turns on us?
I much preferred life before all this magic and gods meddleing. Takhisis speaks of how Paladine messed things up. But I say, fuck them all. Fuck Paladine, fuck Takhisis. Seems they all just need to go!!!!!!
She brot some dragons and riders as she was too coward to appear herself, thinking they could defeat us. (well maybe I was a little scared). After watching Bo atempt to mount a dragon and realizeing it’s a bit hardder than mounting a horse, I focused on bringing them down so Bo can tak down the riders on the ground. Rage consumes me as I see Takhisis so close yet know I can’t hit her. I’m coating evry arrow with acid and hitting these dragons as hard as I can. Every time aiming for the neck.
They seem to be targetting one at a time. First Laina, then Manon and Kaylan then focus on me. They hit hard but I will not show Takhisis any weak ness. At one point, i am nocked down to a knee but quickly stand. Thankful I have friends with healing power that kept me standing.
Takhisis finalli realized her minions were no match for us and left before we wiped them out. Y else would any one retreat but in defeet. Bo shoves a very bitter drinke down my throat. I was fine but it did cover some of the pain. Kaylon also forced healed me as we walked to the air ship.
We find Myza working hard. She gives us a list of items to find. Many of the things I have never hered of but will try to help. Once on the ship I will have to talk to Manon about why she is so important to Takhisis and warn her to not get in my way.
-all for you my Bear-