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Wed 22nd May 2024 02:03


by Zylah Burwitz

We got what Myza nedded and loaded up onto the airship. I headded towards the controls so I could show Myza I new how to fly this ship. But I quickly realized that the book I read must have had an older model as I did not reckonize anything in front of me. Well I thought I reckonized one button, but Myza quickly slapped my hand. Fine, I didn’t want to steer anyway. I will just look out for storms, birds, dragons etc.
We all had a long discussion about the best thing for Steve. I know how much Bo loves him and I love him too which is y I fear for his safetee if he comes with us. We talked to Galnu who said she would feed him but could promise no more than that. Reluctantely I talked to Steve who of course just wants to be with Bo. So I guess Steve is coming with us.
Bo and Thestral would not leave the rations alone. I already had to make a pot of Mom’s secret recipe. The secret being it is just whatever shit you can find and putting it in a pot.
I have been in the woods on some long hunts and know how important it is to ration your food. Thad found out the hard way how desperate you can get when hungry. Off the cliff trying to catch that dumb bird. Stupid Boys.
I tryed to take control of the rations since some in our group cannot be trusted but Bo resorted to her strength as usual and got the rations back (eye roll) but she still can’t keep me pinned down tho. (sly smile)
I did find some time to talk to Manon. I still worry that given the right cirkumstances Manon may take Takhisis up on her offer of power. I will find a way to kill Takhisis and I really hope she does not get in my way of that. For now I will trust her and her magic.
Here's to hoping that with the info Manon gave us, we can find this copper dragon.
-all for you my Bear-