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Tue 29th Sep 2020 05:30

Dark Conversations…

by Wyn Sarhorn

Ardane has thrown a lot of information as us. Much of it very useful but it has left us with more questions than answers. Questions that need answering. As well as many paths that we probably should go down. Each with its own merit to our current objectives.
If I stop to think about it, I believe that we have several objectives at this point and are no closer to solving them then before we went to the lost city. To my knowledge I believe that our current objectives are to find a staff, which will in turn help to complete the ritual of making Enna the new All-Mother. Another is to stop Mytor and all his evil machinations. Finally, we are trying to stop the spread of the corruption plaguing Fabel. We are clearly missing something.
Since returning to my friends I’ve learned that the All-Mother choose Enna to replace her. But as part of installing Enna as the new All-Mother we need two items a book called the Ellamendia and a staff called the Amare. We have found the book, but thus far have not found the staff. Unfortunately without the staff Enna cannot fully become the All-Mother.
Our second objective is to stop Mytor. I understand this is an objective which at this point is probably well over our heads. Yet time and time again we keep coming into contact with him or one of his endless supply of underlings. Which I believe we are in a sense lucky that this keeps happening as it allows us to gain information on him. Information that will slowly fill in the blanks in solving this problem. I think this is a good thing, because information can be very powerful.
Our final objective, as I see it, is to stop the spread of and eliminate the corruption plaguing the world. We know that this all started when Mytor’s heart was uncovered at an archeological dig site. That the things we are now facing are a result of over confident Wizards tampering with clearly powerful artifacts. While I cannot fault them for seeking knowledge, as I am sure I would have done in their shoes. I can fault them for throwing caution to the wind in the pursuit of that knowledge. I do not know for a fact that they didn’t take any precautions, I can assume by our present situation that they didn’t do their due diligence on powerful artifacts.
Those are our main objectives and we now have more choices before us. Another choice presented to us is to go to the places on the map that were light up in the lost city and find and defend the gods chosen champion from Zelmazoc. Those were our choices before we reached the city of Killingram. But I am getting ahead of my myself as at this point we didn’t have any other options.
Our journey to Killingram was uneventful, which to be honest was a welcome reprieve from the past couple of days. The only real hiccup was entering the city. We didn’t really think about it until we were almost at the gates but the wolves accompanying us aren’t trained and may have caused a panic with the citizens of the city. So as a precautionary measure Willow, Barnabas, and myself took a wolf by leash, thanks to Willow’s quick thinking, and lead them through the city. I was a bit amusing to see the reactions to our company. But I do think we will need to train the wolves as companions if they wish to travel with us, and I would love to have an animal as a friend.
On my journey south I stopped here for the evening before continuing on with my journey. It is always nice to get a glimpse of home. The city itself is a good mixture of human eleven culture, although I must admit I am biased towards elven parts of the city. But I digress from the events of the day.
After entering the city Ardane lead us through the city to a location he knew would be safe for all of us. Once there we were greeted by an elven woman named Anet, who was kind enough to us but I am sure did not care too much for us being there. We were quickly taken down to a secret room of the house, much like the location where we first met Ardane. Awaiting us in the secret room, like they knew we were coming, were two more of Ardane’s associates. A male Tiefling and a female human.
The Tiefling, identified himself as Jore. By the looks of him I can assume he has been in a fight or two. He also seemed like he was sizing us up upon our arrival. The Human identified herself as Sonnet. I got the impression she was more powerful than her appearance gave her credit for.
As our conversation began things were incredibly tense. Both Jore and Sonnet were skeptical of us and our abilities. Which they had every right to be as they know very little if nothing at all about us. Thankfully Ardane vouched for us by telling them of his ordeal with Zelmazoc and our aid in helping him escape from the lost city.

During the course of our conversation we learned that Ardane, or at least from what he told us, is hoping to stop what Zelmazoc is doing from inside his organization. Also that he has been building an Order to help him achieve the goal of over throwing, what Jore and Sonnet, consider to be a tyrant king. While my friend and I agree that he needs to be removed if reasoning with him doesn’t work. They tried to convince us that he and his Silver Capes needed to be removed by any means necessary. That is something I cannot get behind.
As the conversation progressed, and facts were exchanged something interesting happened. Barnabas told Ardane and company that Mytor claimed he was the father of the pantheon of gods currently being worshiped on Fabel. Again they were skeptical of what were were telling them so Sonnet proposed to look into his memory to verify his claim. It happened quickly but it seemed a bit odd to have someone enter your thoughts.
A little while later as the conversation seemed to get stale a request was made to our group. It seems that so mages had recently been captured by the Silver Capes and held at their garrison. We were asked to sneak in and free the prisoners. At the mention of requiring our services to sneak in I decided to blend into the shadows to prove we could do it, if we wanted to. Barnabas, while he didn’t know it, played the part of the distraction perfectly while I snuck up behind Ardane and Anet to scare them. I was successful in my endeavor but never the less I think our standing with this group went up with my shenanigans.
Again the conversation seemed to get a bit stale, that was until Willow was given an unexpected surprise. She was informed that he friend Clover was alive and had made it out of Ardol, but not without consequence. We were told she was changed from what Willow remembered because it would appear as though she has been afflicted with the corruption plaguing Fabel. But she also learned something else from Sonnet which she did not share with us but left the room shortly after. I will have to talk to her later to see if she is okay.
Finally we took our leave and were graciously led to an inn where we could stay while we were in the city. After purchasing the rooms we all scattered around the city. I don’t really know what Barnabas was planning on doing, But Enna and Aura told us they would pray for guidance to their gods. Meanwhile Willow and I ventured to a library in the elven district in search of answers. After speaking with one of the librarians and the Head librarian I found a few books. All of which I will hope us decided what course of action to take because we have some big choices to make.