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Mon 29th Jun 2020 02:01

Friend or Fiend?

by Wyn Sarhorn

After rescuing the All Mother, our progress was considerably slower than it had been. Barbos was leading to a safe a location to take the All Mother to, but strangely he was not telling anyone, not ever Sir Kolngold or Estel, where were where headed. In retrospect that should have been a warning sign. Eventually a storm forced us to seek shelter for the night, and we found it in a rather large cave. After making camp Vater, Pythagoras, and myself took the first watch. We discussed many things, some among them was our concern of what actually afflicted the All Mother.
However we did not need to speculate much as Barnabus, Willow, and Enna all had a vision, or what I can best understand as an out of body experience. They claimed to have visited the city of Ardol and learned that there is an entity there who need the fiend possessing the body of the All Mother. Their descriptions were hard to understand as they were adamant about what their visions and that they needed to protect the All Mother. Being that these three are my companions, and that I trust what they are saying is the truth we started to think of a plan for what we need to do to get her to safety and rid her of the Fiend that is possessing her. In the end nothing was really decided other than to trust the Barbos was leading us to a place that the All Mother would be safe.
As morning dawned and the storm had passed, we broke camp and again set out to this unknown destination, keeping to the woods in the hopes that our going would not be noticed. We came to a point where we could no longer use the woods as cover and needed to trust to roads, this was according to Barbos, looking back there were warning signs everywhere but we all failed to notice them. At a river crossing a strange figure, un-moving and rather odd looking, attempted to block our path. After many unsuccessful attempts to talk with the strange figure various members of our group attempted to cross the river and continue along our path. That was the moment when Barbos betrayed us, by sinking his axe into Sir Kolngold's chest, I am sure probably killing him if not for the talents of our cleric Pythagoras.
In shock at this turn of events, I rushed to attack Barbos. But fourtune favored Vater as he delivered an impressive blow killing Barbos. As such our attentions turned to the mysterious figure. Again fortune favored Pythagoras, as he like Vater delivered a mighty blow killing this figure instantly. But before he did I was struck by his dagger and for the briefest of instances I felt as if my body was betraying me and physically changing against my will. Luckily whatever magical effect was on the blade did not take hold.
After the battle, we searched the Barbos and this weird individual for an clue that might helps us learn who wants the All Mother so badly. I found and have in my possession that strange dagger and would like to know more about it as I have read about strange and rare magical items that can curse the one who wields it. As such I hope to find someone who can help me identify what it is I have. I also found a smooth, and well crafted Red Sphere. Looking back I don't want my companions to think I found this and took these two items as my own simply because I found them. Rather I took them because I am an ardent believer that knowledge is power and the more we have the better off we will be. Since as of now, I believe we are expendable pawns in a much larger game then we know.
Further inspection revealed the mysterious man to be a follower of Bethyx. I must admit I do not have a lot of knowledge or experience with the Gods, but from what my companions tell me and from the reading I done I know that Bethyx and her followers are wicked and are planing evil things. After taking care of the bodies we were deciding on a course of action when the Red Sphere began to vibrate. Not sure what it meant and against my better judgemnt, looking back at the decision, I picked up the Sphere.
After doing so there was a voice that asked if it was done. Judging by the looking on my companions faces this was the first time the saw that sphere and wanted to question how I came into possession of it, I made the snap decision cut them off and gesture for silence, which thankfully they were kind enough to do. I answered the voice and was met with skepticism as to why I was in possession of the Sphere. I answered as honestly as I could hoping that I was not reveling too much information about my companions and myself but I am sure that they took much more from our conversation that I intended too. But we also got valuable info that Barbos was intending to take the All Mother to the fabeled lost city of Eldina. Our conversation did not last much longer but the Voice promised riches and/or power if I brought the All Mother to them.
Wanting neither as I am money and power hold little value in my life, but still wanting to see where this would take us I said that I would be interested in what was offered. Our conversation end shortly there after. Coincidentally, the All Mother awoke, and was asking questions and they seemed very out of place for one such as the All Mother. We pressed "her" and it was revealed that the Fiend was in control at that moment and was looking for interesting and amusing conversation. We all obliged in the hopes of getting more information and the off chance that the Fiend would release the All Mother, I knew it would never happen but I guess we can always hope.
We did not learn the Fiends name only that it does not the ability to fully control the All Mother at this point. For if it did the Fiend may take the All Mother to its desired destination of Ardol. But other than that I believe that the Fiend was playing with us and we had amused us long enough, but fortunately it relinquished control of the body of the All Mother to the All Mother. She told us little more than we already knew or had guessed but she had conversations with a few of my companions. She fell unconscious again some time later.
There was a lot to do and a lot to discuss. Various points were made, threats between my companions were exchanged but a decision was made. We would head to a near by town where members of Vater's Order were Headquartered at in the hopes that Pythagoras would be able to attain the necessary items to preform an exorcism on the All Mother. While on our journey, I was again contacted by the Voice from within the Sphere asking if I was going to bring them the All Mother, playing along I told them I was. I was given specific instructions on where to find them, I need to search for the Piercing Stone near the town of Killgram, once there to search for a cave and find the path that leads to a dead end and speak the word Ala Mandra. Almost immediately the sphere broke in half, leaving us with no way of getting any more information out it, so we continued onward.
Alot has happened to our group over the past few days. We are involved in something bigger than we all know or want to admit to ourselves. At the first chance I get I am going to see if there is anyone who can help to repair the sphere and to identify the dagger I now possess. I have never found myself more curious as to what lies ahead in the comming days and to see what my companions and I will do. Strangely I feel a connection to them, one I have never really had and unlike any, save my Master, I knew during my time at the Monastery.