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Fri 21st Aug 2020 01:00

Capture and Escape

by Wyn Sarhorn

I don’t really remember a whole lot about being captured. The last thing I remember is help my friends Willow, Enna, and Vater escape a rather large and deep hole at the top of the underground tower. Sometime after that its just blackness. I don’t remember how it happened or for that matter where. But I know when I awoke, besides the throbbing pain in my head, I noticed my friends were gone.
After some time, I was able to get my bearings, but not before noticing I was not able to escape. While no physical bonds were shackling me in place, I was not able to escape. In every which way that I traveled it was endless. I’d walk or run for miles thinking I’d made progress. Only to have this nagging feeling creep into my mind. The feeling was that I’d gone nowhere even though I was exhausted.
Have you ever had the feeling that you were being watch? That feeling like someone is right behind you, yet when you to see who it is no one is there. Your mind starts to clam your body by saying, what were you concerned with, no one is there, relax. Despite your minds best attempt, you body tells you that you are being watch no matter what your mind tries to convenience you of. That feeling loomed over me the entire time I was trying to escape.
After a few days of this, I was starting to give up hope that I’d ever get out of there. That is when she came. The kindly Druid who took us in when we first arrived in the Fey Wild. She brought food and drink, both things I desperately need. She offered them to me and I eagerly accepted them.
Once I had finished them, she began telling me of a way in which I could escape and return to my friends. She told me that a long and hard journey was before me, all that I need to do was to walk. Only later would I discover that I was drugged only to make it more-easy to keep me in her manufactured world. Every day would begin the same she would make me breakfast, during which she would converser about many things and at night she would prepare dinner for me. The thing that seemed to interest her the most was my friends, what they where like, what they disliked, and their general disposition. Unfortunately, and being in the state that I was, I told her many things, believing that she was an ally.
After breakfast she, would describe the days journey to me. What things I would need to look for, she would describe the notable landmarks to look for, and where I could find her at the end of my days journey. Then she would wild shape into a raven and leave me alone. Believing what she told me I took in every detail, and made my way to the next camp. How many days we repeated this cycle, I am not sure, as time and the drugs in the food she was preparing for me clouded my judgment of the passage of time.
I am amazed at the resilience of the body. As a monk, I am in an endless pursuit of mastering control over my body and my emotions. It is a life long goal that I will continually strive to achieve. But as I am only beginning to scratch the surface of the areas in which I need to study I am pleasantly surprised at how quickly I built up a resistance to the effect of those drugs. It didn’t come quickly, but it did happen slowly.
At first, I noticed passing the same land marks multiple times. The feeling of déjà vu crept over me. I could almost feel the fog cloud in my mind keeping me from realizing that my thoughts were not my own. Little by little I chipped away at that fog cloud until I broke through. But as I did, I realized my mistake.
Being the Druid and a “Guardian” of the Fey Wild, she had many beast and creature in her service. Almost as soon as I broke free of her control, I was assailed by those she had sent to safe guard my journey. I managed to fend them off and get away. I have no idea if it was by sheer luck or divine intervention but I managed to be in the exact spot where we had been brought to when we first arrived in the Fey Wild. Quickly getting my bearings, I took off in the direct of the Druid’s house.
While on my way there, the thought occurred to me that she might be the one who had been doing this to me. So, as I neared her home I took as much care as possible to sneak up to it and it proved to be one of the wisest moves on my part in long time. I happened to find her in conversation with the strange monkey that had guided us to her house originally. I only managed to catch the tail end of the conversation but it was enough. I learned that all of those beasts and creatures in her service were alerted to my escaped and were looking for me and that she would join the hunt to find me.
I know what you are thinking, how could see be so bold as to leave her house unguarded? I can’t really answer that, but I may have some insight into why she made that decision. The entire time I was under her spell, and from the time that we were guests in her house, his visage was one of a kindly woman, beautiful, and young and yet so wise. Unfortunately I think at some point between my friends and I meeting her putting me under her spell, she had made a deal with the devil or had come to some horrible end. Her appearance now was completely different.
Where once was a beautiful face now was the face of living death. Visible cracks to her skull held together by pulsing magic that now lined her face. Once there was a melodic and calming voice, now was replaced by a scratchy and wheezing bark as if she was not getting enough air into her lungs. In listening to her speak I understood the urgency to find me. As if her existence was conditional to her continued captivity of me. My heart took pity on her, for once she must have been a force for good in the Fey Wild and all its chaotic beauty, but she had fallen so far as to become this corrupted and ruined shell of her former self.
After she left to help find me, I waited a few minutes not moving, not even daring to breath for fear of being captured. It seemed like an eternity but eventually I gather my courage and went into her house looking for any means of escape. I rummaged through her stuff not caring that she would find the mess if I escaped of fled her house. I came upon two items, one that I knew would help me get back to the prime material plane and the other her journal, or at the very least her newest journal with all of the details about my friends that I’d given to her. The other item a tuning fork or some dark and twisted version of a tuning fork, that if I concentrated on, I would be transported to where I wanted to go.
Wishing beyond hope and concentrating on my friends I took up the fork. I could feel through the planes that they were close and yet so far that they felt as if they were not reachable. I began to think that this might not work. That when I heard the door open and feet rushing up the stairs. When all hope had faded that’s when the magic kicked in.
Time seemed to speed up and slow down at the same time. What I mean by that is I felt as if I could see an things happening as if I was moving incredibly fast. All the while the world around me was almost frozen in place. At the same time the Druid managed to get to the top of the stairs just before I was thrust across the planes. The look on her face was one of sheer anger and confusion as to what was happening, but I had managed to escape her clutches, hopefully for good.
One of the weirdest sensations in the world is the feeling of inter planar travel my means of a tuning fork. It maybe the simple fact that the tuning fork was corrupted or because I’ve never really traveled between the planes, let alone by means of a tuning fork. The sensation is incredibly odd because it feels like you are being thrust through syrup, as best I can describe it. You are traveling so fast that you are unable to make out any details of the world around you. But at the same time your body’s natural reaction is to fight back at resistance you feel. But never the less, I made it back to my friends, and it would appear that I made it just in time to help them.