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Thu 20th Aug 2020 05:19

Thrust into Battle

by Wyn Sarhorn

Sometimes in life you are thrust into situations that you are not totally prepared for. Yet despite your reservations you are forced to meet them head on. I recently found myself in one of those situations. Having escaped from the clutches of a corrupted Druid, I found myself transported into the cathedral of Voltura, right before the beginning of a battle between my friends and what I can only guess is an emissary or solider of Mytor.
It would appear that some time has passed since I last saw my friends. Enna is carrying herself with more importance, and Barnabus has become her protector. Vater, or at least what I can remember of my past interactions with him, has grown cockier, bordering on arrogant. Willow, it would seem is the only one among my friends to not have changed much, although it seems that she now carries more weight on her shoulders. There is also one whom I do not know and can only guess, is one of my friend’s new allies, Aura. It is good to see my friends once again and to know that my thoughts are my own and my choices are again ones that I choose to make.
But I digress. Upon arriving back on the Prime Material Plane, I found myself among friends who find themselves on the cusp of a deadly battle. A horrible abomination conversing with my friends, tempting them and even myself, with our hearts deepest desire, for the price of unwavering service to it and Mytor. I will not lie, my heart yearns to find my parents or a least to gain any knowledge of them. But going through what I just went through, I value my own freedom above the promises of someone who bargains on behalf of another seeking pain and wonton destruction. As do my friends, and it was Enna who most pissed off the abomination simply by her beliefs.
Thus, the battle began. Having been outraged by a follower of Voltura, the creature charged at Enna seeking her demise. I saw an opportunity as the creature began to charge and I took it. To my pleasant surprise, I was able to trip up the creature preventing it from going to far, at least in the short term. While also allowing my friends to charge into the fray.
This creature is unlike anything that I have faced before. Whenever I would punch this thing, I felt as though I was striking a stone wall. I was unsure if I was actually doing any harm to it or if I was harming myself more that it. But I kept at it anyway as doing something is better than not doing anything. But that is when I saw the power of the divine.
Enna, an acolyte of Voltura, unleashed the fury of her goddess upon this creature. But not before Aura tried to stop her. Thankfully, the Protector and ever watchful Barnabus saw what Aura was trying to do and was able to prevent her from do that. Thus allowing the radiant power of a god to be channeled through Enna and brought to bear upon this abomination.
At the same time Vater was close enough to throw some oil at the creature. But what was odd, was that he turned and told Willow to finish the job. Unfortunately for him the abomination was still strong enough to withstand the full brunt of that attack. I don’t know what he was thinking when he did that but it was, in my opinion, more than troubling turn of events. I’ll even go as far as to say cocky.
It was roughly at this point that two other creatures fought and clawed their way out of the abominations body. While both freighting and intimidating, I was not going to be deterred from slaying these creatures, if I could. I don’t know where I found the strength or knowledge but when I cut into one of the newer creatures I somehow managed to stun it. I don’t know how I gained that ability or if I will be able to repeat it, but I stand in wonder as my abilities have grown as I am tested again and again. It was a shock and I will continue to work at being able to replicate it.
Not mere seconds later the abomination was finally killed and it brought the other two creatures down with it. And as the bodies lay on the floor, they began to breakdown in dissolve into black puddles. And in the puddles lay three magical items, of which Barnabus and Willow took as they would get the most use out of them. I did not much care to look through what remained of our enemies so I went and sat on the steps of the cathedral we were in. That is when it hit me, I was finally free, and alone with my thoughts into which I fell and ignored what the group was doing.
Being pulled through from my thoughts, I joined the group, as they had decided to leave the cathedral. It was thought that the best and safest route to take would be through the sewers. It was indeed a safe route and the journey was mostly uneventful. With the exception of encountering some cave fishers. But we were not prepared for what devastation had taken place in the city.
The city was a war zone. Buildings completely destroyed or in various stages of destruction. Bodies of the dead scattered everywhere, and their loved ones crying in utter despair. The smell of fires was thick in the air and the smoke from these fires clouded the night sky from view.
Our group looked for a place to talk as they had pressing matters to discuss. Chief among them was the revelation that Aura may actively be working for an evil god or goddess. I being exhausted and lagging far behind in current events did not participate much in the discussion. Vater seem keen on killing her but not at the moment as she seemed, at least to him, useful in the moment. I cannot say what has changed with Vater but he is different and I cannot put my finger on what has changed with him, but I’ve only been back for a short time.
It was only then did we realize that the people of this city were in need and that we could help them with our healing abilities. I have not the power to heal the wound to the body like my companions do but I can assist in helping put people on the path to recovery. And that’s what we ended up doing for some time. At the first opportunity I had, I was able to go investigate a curious, for lack of better words, deep trench dug through the city. I was curious to see if there was any sign of what or who had made it, but my search was not fruitful.
I rejoined my companions as they were hurrying out of the city. I guess they had been caught using magic and the need to flee was great. So we made our way to the stables to get our horses and leave the immediate area. I guess it was decided on our journey away from the city to head north to the Ruins of Elendon, in search of answers that the group is looking for. I am grateful for my freedom and to be back in the company of friends.
When we did eventually break to make camp shared a meal and set watches. Having spent time being captative, I said that I would take the first watch with Willow, as I was not ready to fall into my waking dreams just yet. As I took in the world around me, as Willow and I had a wonderful conversation. She filled me in on what I had missed while I was gone, Enna becoming the new All-Mother, what our friends had done, and we discussed their new traveling companion and their general distrust of her. We discussed her family and how she had given up hope of ever seeing them again. I told her not to give up that hope is what keeps us going and I also confided in her that I was hoping to one day meet my family.
I explained to her that is why I am on the road. She offered to help me if she could in that endeavor, and I greatly appreciate it. Not long after that I found myself settling down for so much need rest. Before falling into my waking dreams, I took a last look at my friends and a sense of peace washed over me. It is good to be back.