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Arder Pergeiros

Into the Mountains

by Wyn Sarhorn

We finally reached the city of Highfield in the early morning hours. Shortly upon our arrival Sir Kolngold and Estel took their leave headed for the city of Glenrose. I wish those two well as having witnessed the betray of their close ally not but a day earlier they look like they need to find a purpose again. Getting you mind focused on another task is a powerful tool in moving on from the sting of a betrayal. I hope to one day cross paths with these two again if only to see how they have grown from these events.
After arriving in the city, Pythagoras, Barnabus, and Enna went in search of find the necessary material to complete the exorcism of the All-Mother. Pythagoras believes that he will be able to find the material to complete the exorcism, but given that this is a small town I very much doubt that he will be able to. I hope that I am wrong in this. Never the less I believe that should he find the components the ritual and its aftermath at this point in time may be beyond us. Having conversed with the Fiend who controls the All-Mother, I believe that we will have an extraordinarily hard time completing this ritual.
In our last encounter with Barbos and the Mysterious Cloaked figure I have managed to acquire two items of interest. A dagger and a perfectly shaped red stone. While Barnabus, Enna, and Pythagoras went off in search of their material, Willow accompanied me on my errand to have these items identified. In the course of searching for someone to identify these things I had a quick conversation with her about my goals for that day and she at the very least was agreeable to my plan. Through our foray into the markets of the Highfield, and all credit goes to her, we found a rather interesting lady who was willing to do what I needed her to do.
I am sure my first impression was not the best as I had a staring contest with a blind lady... I regret my action of trying to come off as something I am not, which is the entire reason for my staring contest, but my directness was rewarded with her willing to perform the services I needed. After arriving at her house, Willow used a bit of her magic to conjure some beautiful flowers in her gardens, only to be slightly rebuked by this lady. After making some small talk she was able to inform me of what this new dagger does. As well as promising to mend the Scrying Orb into one piece, regrettably I need to retrieve the second stone in the pair to be able to bond them and use them. These two items I feel will could be very useful in the future, the dagger with regards to helping with the All-Mother if I remember my studies about Basilisks correctly, and the Orbs as a means of communicating.
After we had requested the things on our list she again told us that we were the most interesting people she had met that day. In particular Willow and the circumstances that led us to that moment in time. Willow the woman, who forgive me I have not told you her name Charlena Cromwell, obliged Charlena and told her what paths she had taken to bring her to this point. I can only guess she gleaned some information from Willow's story, or that I am not as interesting as she said I was, but we were shown the door in the most polite manner. However we, or rather Willow, received a word of caution to be careful using magic within the city as two strangers have recently passed through the town wielding powerful magic and causing death and destruction in their wake. After a while we managed to meet up with Vater, who went ahead to inform his order of the situation, and rest of our companions.
Having taken longer on our errand we arrived mid conversation about what the plans would be regarding the All-Mother. Piecing together the conversation I learned that the Leader of Vater's Order was out searching for one of the figures who came through their town as well as being a wanted man of the Order, Zelmozoc. But that was two weeks or more ago with no word. Also another group was sent out after this second figure and again there has been no word. But for us to obtain a better arrangements for how the All-Mother is to be treated we must get permission from the Leader or proof that he has perished. So our path would be taking us to the mountains north of Glenrose.
After obtaining the repaired Scrying Orb, we set off at once to seek the Leader of Vater's Order. But when I went to retrieve the Orb form Charlena her behavior was completely different from our previous visit mere hours earlier. I have no guesses the shift in behavior but I was slightly taken aback. Our journey to the mountain passed uneventfully. After climbing so high, we had to make the hard decision leave our horses behind, unguarded as our paths became evermore dangerous.
I am ever impressed at the talent and power of my traveling companions. Willow was able to transform in to a Black Bear and guide is along a mountain paths through the snow. Along the way we encountered the upper half of a body hanging from a tree. As well as portions of trees having been magically damaged. I noticed that we as a group where moving forward without real concern for our surroundings and what could possibly catch us off our guard, so I decided to act as a scout for our group and hopefully prevent us from being attacked unaware.
My search was not in vein, as I spotted a figure in a clearing covered in stone and appearing to be frozen. I made the call to to investigate the situation. To my great surprise the figure moved and told me he had been waiting for me and my companions and that I should retrieve them. Cautiously I backed away from this figure and made my way back to to group to report my findings. Having convinced my companions of my findings we returned to that spot to find the figure missing.
Somehow we all missed it but once all of us got close enough to the spot where this figure had been we teleported to another place where this figure was waiting for us. Strangely he knew of parts of our journey and that we had the All-Mother. I don't know how that is possible but I am finding out that information travels fast and is very powerful. He told us to save ourselves and to join him and his God.
He tried to get both Enna and Barnabus to covert to his religion, unsuccessfully. Both of my companions both envoked the name of Voltura, which seemed to enrage the man. Vater was given the body of the Leader of his Order. In the end we did battle with this individual. Fortunately we learned that the creatures attacking people are reanimated bodies of the fallen, or something of the like, either way it is grim business.
Now that the battle is over we have some answers to our questions. Looking around we have no idea where we are and how to get back to the material plane or the clearing in the mountains. I feel a sense of responsibility for putting my companions in this predicament. Had it not been for me convincing the group to talk to that gentleman we may not be trapped or on another plane. At the first chance I get I will explain myself and my actions to the group, but first we need to find a way out of of whatever or where ever we are.