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Thu 18th Jun 2020 01:00

New Traveling Companions.

by Wyn Sarhorn

In my travels I find myself among some new and interesting companions. None of which I expected to be traveling with. They are very different from the people with whom I have shared my life with in the monastery, but never the less are good traveling companions. We find ourselves on the road in search of the Leader of the Church dedicated to the Goddess Voltura. My traveling companions Barnabus and Enna seem very concerned with helping to rescue her and return her to the church. I do not fully understand religion but these two seem too. They have been kind to me, as the other two of my traveling companions, and as such I will help as much as I am able to.
I know that my exposure to the world outside of the Monastery has been incredibly limited, and that my Master warned me of trusting to much in the kindness of strangers. Yet I am quickly understanding that the world is a dangerous place and it would be harder to find the answers I seek with out some acquaintances. So for now I will help these people in their hour of need in the hopes that they will at the very least one day help me to find answers that I seek. I find myself slowing starting to trust these individuals but trust is earned over a long period of time, and I only known these individuals for a few days.