Starfleet Incident Report by Marley | World Anvil

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Vash Incident Report Thrown through worm hole repairs

Starfleet Incident Report

by Ensign Marley Vash

Stardate 137273 There were many repairs to the ship, from hull integrity, reducing fires on multiple decks, and repairing impulse all the details are detailed in the repair catalog for this incident. The systems that are still offline are the holodeck and the warp drive. The warp drive needs tavien gas, which is rare and can not be replicated. In a long-range sensor scan, we found a planet that has come but its a 2 week trip. Outside of this I have to report an incident that happened in the holodeck. Due to fires Ensign ___ had was left in the malfunctioning hollodock until the bridge crew was accounting for all crew members. I received a call from the bridge stating that parts of the jefferies tubes had blockages and limited oxygen so I was told to take an EV suit and head to the holodeck. In going to the holodeck I was able to quickly release the doors and get into the holodeck. When I entered Ensigh ____ was fighting a lion. They were extremely fatigued but quickly I realized they were not running this program for their amusement. They were bleeding which meant the safties are off. They were running a roman colosium program for combat training/fun and when we were attack they must have been in the holodeck and then the program was stuck on and the saftiest turned off. I entered and immediately got the attention of the lion and getting into a confrontation with it. I ended up fighting with the lion and winning for a while. It tried to strike but I took the opportunity to get on the back of the lion and was able to get some good hits in. The lion though ended up bucking me off and getting a big chomp on my leaving me in a lot of pain. but the lion let go. During this time Ensign ___ was able to crawl to the door and access the panel get a phaser. It was really good timing as the lion was going to make another strike and was phasered mid charge. The studuim fell silent and we left quickly in case the program decide to throw more into the mix. The Ensgin and I then reported to sick bay. After this I was not longer on active duty. The holodeck has remained broken and frozen in the stadium areana. No more fighting has been generated by the holodeck and it has been section off. Once I reported back to duty the holodeck has been the priority to fix as repair crew are working on cosmetic fixes on the ship at this point. Acting Bridge lesion Chief Engineer Marley Vash incident report.------ End of Report -------

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