Away Mission to X planet by Marley | World Anvil

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Away Mission Planet

Away Mission to X planet

by Ensign Marley Vash

Acting Chief Engineer Vash Log Away mission to an unknown planet in uncharted territory to get teffin gas for warp core repairs. When we arrived at the planet we started with on board survallence. We located the location of the teffin gas a large crater in the center of the village. This made extraction much more difficult as we will need to go under cover to get to the pit. Also we can not use shuttle craft as the towns people will see. We saw that people went into the pit but we never say them come out which made us think that is was very dangerous. EV suits would be a must but the biggest issue would be to have them blend in. So we decided a recon mission was nessacary to see how we could access the pit. Esgin Sorra, Chief Petty OFficer Ozier And I had our facial structures changed to look like the locals and we beamed down into an alley and began trying to understand the area. We say began taking reading and looking to see how they functions. Speciffically I was concerned about the hierarchy of the people and who was near the pit and who was not. We started to walk through the town and started to notice a lot of very advanced technology for a civilization. I decided we should find a merchant and see how they were accruing such goods. We went into a shop and met a classic merchchant man. He was selling many high tech. goods that their civilization has not gotten too yet. I spoke with the man and he wanted Latenium for purchasing. which really peeked my interest. I probably left him a bit made but I got the information that i needed from him which was the he got these goods from the pit and the people went into the pit and came back out. We moved on and headed towards the barrier of the pit. Here we saw kids gathered and waiting to see someone emerge from the pit. I asked them if they wanted to be the pit workers when they grew up and they said yes but they couldn't because that was a job for the people farther from the pit. The pit region is the poorer people and the outside of the ring was for the wealthy. The person who emerged from the pit had a high tech ev suit and a large bag of goods that seemed to like what we heard from the shopkeeper. From here we followed the ev suit to see where they went to and it was a government building. More interesting a load speaker annocment went off and everyone rushed to the pit. The "king" was to speak to all people. We hung back in the crowd but made sure to get a good view. A ship emerged in the sky and began transferring stuff to the pit (getting the teffin gas?) not sure but the king spoke of good profits and that he was happy with the people. I allowed Acting captain ailyn to hear everything and once it was over everyone quickly dispersed. We went back to the government building to decided how we would get images of the EV suit so that we could modify ours to not draw attention to ourselves. We ended up decided to leave sorra outside and ensign _ and I went inside to ask questions to the front desk and get scans. We were able to get scans and headed back up to the ship. End of away mission 1.
Away mission 2 took a crew of Esign Sorra, Malkeria and ____ and I went down to the surface with the equipment to extract the teffin gas. We were able to get to the bottom of the pit without an issues. Once at the base we scanned for where the location of the teffin gas was and headed that way. On the way we began to be school by what appeared to be flying eels. They swooped at us but seemed ensign ____ stated they don't like large groups. had Malkeria hand me extra equipment so they had a free hand for their phaser. As we continued on a native in an ev suit came up to us but was eaten by the eels. We arrived at our site and were able to set up the equipment quickly. We were next to an abandon space station though of unknown origin. Our mission was critical and time was of the essence so We did not spend much time exploring gbut ensign ___ blank in an took sensor reading. We did encounter something strange at the base of the mining equipment that was ground flaking and changing colors sensors reading were taken and nothing strange came up so we continued drilling. The eels continued to circle but they did not like the tight spaces we were in. The gas collection was complete and we quickly packed up and headed back. The ells became more threatening and crewman Malkeria did discharge their phaser to move rocks to protect us. We reached the lift and I commicated with the crew on the ground and they brought us up. We were attack by about 10 eels and Maleria and I were able to fight them off with some bite wounds. Once back on the surface the entire away team beamed up and we put the teffin gas into the warp core and we left orbit once the gas began cooling the warp core. END of Mission

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