Starfleet personal log Ensign Vash by Marley | World Anvil

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First Log in the orientation course at SFA (lecture how to make a useful log entry)

Starfleet personal log Ensign Vash

by Ensign Marley Vash

Hi computer,
This is Cadet Vash's first personal log. uh, first thing what do... I want to be a science officer on a ship exploring new places.
mumbling*tell them what you did today.* Today was the beginning of the second month of the academy. I have made one new friend other than Ari. I began my day with breakfast in Ari's room and then went to the biology of silicon worlds, that class assigned a project, and I was put in a group with someone named Ctera I hadn't seen them before, but that class is 400 cadets. Then I went to the dining hall and met up with Ari and Tim (the friend) they both came from programming in extenuating circumstances. I tested out of that class, but I should have just failed the test so I could join them. It sounds really fun they get to throw so many tricorders, interior hull plating, and anything you can think of. This month is ration training, so I had to eat veal marsala again because Ari refuses to eat it and took the meatloaf. I keep reminding her that I may not be the one she is stuck eating rations, and they may not let her live for you taking the meatloaf every time. The rations don't bother me. food has never tasted the same since.... *my teacher doesn't need to know this computer rerecord after the sentence about the programming class. Okay, so rations month, which I really think is an excuse to use up all the unused ones on the big ships, but then again, it can just be recycled because its matter. I am still getting used to that. I always thought we just sucked the carbon out of space...? I never really put too much thought into it, *computer I am rambling and restarting again. Okay, so it's ration month. so lunch was nothing to be excited about. then I had combat training 256 I learned a cool chokehold technique that will tighten or loosen depending on where your elbow placement is and can even make the opponent faint without hurting their nervous system! I can't wait to use that late... I mean, never. I had broken and studied in the quad area there are quiet spaces that I use. Today is Ari's long day, so we meet up for late dinner. I think *that is all that is important for that questions... lastly goals in the short term,
Tomorrow I have an integration of systems exams that is going to kick my butt. The admiral who teaches hasn't seen a recent ship design, and it shows, but I should know how to operate any ship, so I guess it's helpful.
Okay, this is Cadet Vash ending the log

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