Starfleet personal log Ensign Vash by Marley | World Anvil

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Vash Starfleet personal log (a few days before leaving dry dock)

Starfleet personal log Ensign Vash

by Ensign Marley Vash

Stardate... the computer knows. Almost all of the crew has boarded the ship, and we are leaving dry dock in a day to pick up the rest. I already miss the calm of a skeleton crew and the ship. I am upset that I have been pushed back to this position, but I can't help but think this might be better?.... well I get to do everything here. We had an 'intruder' today, but the security team isn't on board yet except for lt. Ross. I am realigning a diagnostic array, and I get a frantic communication from him. he was going on but what I pick up on was " VASH!!!! your background,,,, NOW!,, get to the bridge right now, something, something, dog,.... wild..... biting..... " he sounds like he was in big trouble, so I drop everything and run to the bridge. the turbolift door opens (phaser out and on stun), and I see him alone on the bridge with the first officers' dog. I met this dog last week when the FO was giving the dog a tour, and I was working on control panels in the cargo bay. Trying to explain to this guy he was fine was hysterical. The dog was just trying to get attention, and the best part is the FO was still terrified even after the FO came out from one of the side rooms of the bridge. Needless to say the rest of the day was uneventful. I started with the diagnostic array, got distracted when back to the array ended up that one of the wires was connected to the lights?? sometimes I really wonder who they let do work on starships back in the day. Once I finished that, I had lunch in the smaller replicator lunch room. I ordered Plomeek soup that i had programmed back at Starfleet from ari's recipe but this replicator has consistently kept butchering it. Today I found my afternoon job when the replicator gave me a meatball sub. I go down to engineering and tell them the food replicators are acting up again and the look in the CENG was like either deal with it or fix it yourself. I decided that was a better job to tackle my other scheduled duties for the day. Needless to say, I found more problems, but my shift was up. I will pick up where I left off tomorrow oh and there is a welcoming party in two days... computer add that to my schedule, and end log

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