Starfleet personal log Ensign Vash by Marley | World Anvil

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Graduation Day and two days before the wedding

Starfleet personal log Ensign Vash

by Ensign Marley Vash

August 17, 2359. Today was the graduation ceremony from Starfleet. They did not seat me next to my fiance, which is unimportant. The ceremony went well. I found the crowd to be a bit much, but I enjoyed the class speaker talking about what turtles would do on Cardassia. Which honestly was very witty. I think they will be on the same posting as me, but they have the same name as another cadet, so who knows? I figure that out when I get there I am not worried. After the ceremony, I met up with Ari and Yuri. We returned to the lab where I had been working I had some programs on equipment I was running. I had to correct two errors one for the flux inverter flow regulator variance was linear and not time dependent on the rate of change for the conduits power ratio. The other was a small bug where I mixed up the polarization, which was evident by the machine shaking on the table. Why was I still working on this? I don't know, but I updated my lab notebook, and we headed out to dinner to discuss the final plans for the wedding. I have already cleared with Starfleet to defer our posts for a month so we can have the ceremony and travel. I am debating bringing my experiment to my ship, but I am not sure I will have time. (' Hey, quit making that log and come hang out with me cause you aren't going to have a fiance for long anymore' OKAY, be there in 20 seconds.... oh so yah Plus, there is a whole hassle of getting everything checked through Starfleet's on ship protocol that I am not sure I am in the mood to deal with right now and who know maybe I should just build it again?... I don't know. (' Viiixxxxx!')

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