Starfleet personal log Ensign Vash by Marley | World Anvil

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Chief Engineer?

Starfleet personal log Ensign Vash

by Ensign Marley Vash

(This takes place as Vash is walking from a bridge and returning to engineering) Personal.... Acting Chief Engineers Vash Log, I am gonna spare the details on the events of today and skip to when why I am acting chief engineer. On routine bridge duty for an ensign, aka babysitting, we detected an anomaly. I attempted to adjust the sensor to understand, but I only got to know the size of the anomaly, around 3km. After a while of nothing, the anomaly began to get more apart, and then before we had a chance to scan, the view screen showed the planet being bombed with nuclear warheads. Mushroom clouds across the planet. We then began taking fire. Shield went up and quickly; they were depleted to 30%. The acting captain could not get a transporter lock on the crew, which I was beginning to transfer auxiliary power to for a stronger lock if it was attainable standard Starfleet procedure. During this time, the warp was diminished to warp 1 due to damage to the necels and power couplings. Upper hull plating took serious damage, and to enhance shields, decks 1,2,8,9,10,11 were evacuated to bring shields back to 60%. At this point, it was too dangerous to stay. The anomaly now reading on sensors was a wormhole with minimal scans we determined we would take damage going through it, but we were leaving the planet at full impulse and still getting bombed. We determined that the best course of action was to deal with the unforseen damage of the wormhole. The wormhole would have done no damage to a healthy ship, but the Electra in the beat up state lost any use of warp and more damage to the upper hull with some exposed bulkheads. Other systems our down, and by tomorrow we will have duty rosters out for damage repair teams as we are currently determining what systems need repairs. Key systems that we are concerned about is the exposed hull, ensuring replicator function, restoring impulse, and then trying to get the warp core back online. Power is stable in some parts of the ship which means crews have somewhere safe to sleep and gather. There were two injuries and one fatality. One of the injuries is Ensign T_____ which will be my second for engineering. They have the expertise that I need, so hopefully, they will be well soon. This has been quite an unexpected day. I will be working around the clock for weeks to get us back to federation space as we ended up deep in the beta quadrant of space. There is no one of higher rank than Lt Jr., which is gonna make this a very interesting journey. I will be hitting the manual of this ship a lot and running my brain rampant. I will have no time for extracurriculars like the holodeck or springball. My top priority, though, will be to keep my current engineering team safe. I have heard that deep space repairs like this can be deadly in multiple ways, between lack of good medical care for easily cared for injuries, overworked mistakes, and accidents due to damaged systems. I will have to brief my crew, reminding them of the dangers and requiring downtime for overworked shifts. I have returned to engineering and must return to duty. *doors hiss (end log)

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