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Fri 21st Oct 2022 08:09

Session 13 Notes

by Orianna

Davil "cleared" Rhasan's ban in the Yawning Portal (D.S.) Wants to meet him usptairs.
Someone has been killing elves & half-elves in Dock Ward. Wants Rhasan to investigate (Aware of his theiving)
Sleeping Wench
3 Days ago Bloody Fist
Last Night @ Thirsty Sailor
Late at night
Near taverns
50gp each
Any sign of magic? Not sure, not much info
Belnimbra's Street (Sleeping Wench)
Sigyrna -> Fisherwoman (half elf) trying a new fishing tecnique. Left tavern few hours after mightnight. She sometimes drank with didn't say she had a boyfriend.
Ally by the side stabbed?? Slide.
Investigate Blood stains
Trail entering into alley, some blood spatters, no Magic.
Bloody Fist (Snail Street)
Exotic Smelling, Dragonborn Landlord (Jacha Doe)
Elves/Half Elves
Said Iti to sailing buddy drank until early hours ^ left. Doesn't know name.
Find part of white feather in alley
Blood trail, no other entrance
All Eleven Crew in dock (Boat/ship Dawn Stone).
Flag - Not Waterdeep
Speak to Woman loading fish?
Anris disappearance
Boat departing this evening
Few days ago dude was murdered
Only one mrurder on crew
Magical neckalce on body
Wound in back looks like arrow & front stabs
Corellon elf god symbol (Star shape)
Poison Arrow?