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Fri 21st Oct 2022 08:10

Session 12 Notes

by Orianna

We recap after break & discuss stratergy e.g. investigat ehag or proceed with renovation/making side money
Guy (well dressed) delivers enevelope (to SB) from Mirt to advise of money delivery (1800gp)
VreeNak makes Orianna a rose climbing four poster bed
850gp outstanding -> Tradesmen come to TSM and we pay upfront for work. Work commences
Plumber scams SB of extra 115gp (he doesn't remember original quote)
Rhasan & VreeNak follow to try and get money back (distraction & Slight of hand). Gets money back and plummer says sorry.
VreeNak plays prank on Orianna but fails :P
Rhasan is out stealing & flying snake delivers message from D.S.