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Thu 3rd Nov 2022 08:44

Session 14 Notes

by Orianna

Three dead elves, sleeping wench tick, bloody fist tick, thirsty sailor (nice for docks lol).
Is a neat tavern, go to investigate.
Jennas and Petra are bar staff (owners?). Star was the female victim found this morning. Jennas was asleep, Petra is was two bells after midnight that STar left. She was a cleaner, she was found in the alley outback by Jethro not longer after (doorman?).
No patrons were into her or seemed to be bothering her (moon elf).
Earden (was her dance partner).
Murder scene seems more bloody, violent, hasty.
I have to go buy fish for my cat.
Unicorn and Snail.
Thad how?
Muleskull and Soaring Pegasus to check next.
Cook said Star was shot and killed, the same as the other vicitm.
Sergeant and Cromley at Castle Waterdeep.