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Thu 3rd Nov 2022 08:22

Session 21 Notes

by Orianna

We meet followers of Gond. Valleta is a bronze dragonborn priestess. She tells us about Nim, who is an Automoton, who is locked in a room (workshop). Nim opens the door and signs to Valetta to say that the bird machine hitting Rhasan was an accident.
We show them the cloth scrap, it is a neophytes mark (new initiates to temple). There are ten or so of them.
There are six neophytes of different races, two of are out of town at Baldurs' Gate.
Master Adam (one of the priests)
Servants say Nim had taken some of the Neophytes robes.
Nim was a gift from a Lantanese wizard. Nim built himself a Nimblewright Compainion.
VreeNak touches something in the workshop and gets sucked through a portal.
Valetta gives us a device to detect a Nimblewright. Says she'll pay 50 platinum to return it dead or alive.
The device will detect a Nimblewright within a 500ft radius.
Nimblewrights have some magical resistances, but they cannot cast spells themselves.
Gives us the detector, and we give her details of where we live, for VreeNak updates.