Reminiscing by Binbelliya | World Anvil

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Sat 29th Feb 2020 05:57


by Binbelliya Syldan

It's been awhile. CJ and I have been travelling for a bit. I visited some random docks for the hot gossip. Apparently it has to do with some pirate gang trying to fight or kill another pirate gang? I hope that doesn't mean Zsoana will get hurt. CJ caught a bird! I am so proud of him. I have been able to work at an inn for free food and rent...I told them I'll just be fine sleeping in the woods...but...CJ would adore being the mascot for the inn! So we stayed for now. I'm still traveling. I hope my friends are ok! I also hope that Chicken is fine...I keep sensing dread from her...I hope Hail hasn't eaten her!